Spotlight: Phalaenopsis Orchids

Also known as Moth Orchids, Phalaenopsis orchids are part of the gigantic orchid family and one of the easiest to grow. Known for their showy flowers, phalaenopsis bloom for weeks on end, making them one of the best indoor plants for those seeking colorful, long-lasting blooms. Our selection of phalaenopsis orchids is always full, with many double stem and even triple stem plants to allow for the most stunning blooms. We carry many unique and extraordinary blooms in an array of colors. You won’t be able to choose just one!


How often you water will depend on the potting medium. Bark retains less water than soil. If your phal is potted in bark watering once a week is generally sufficient. If your plant is potted in a denser medium like soil, water when the top feels dry. The amount of light and heat your plant receives will also affect how soon your phal needs watering. Summer months will need more frequent watering, winter will need less. After a few waterings, you will be able to tell by the weight of the pot whether or not it is time to water again. If in doubt, wait a day.

It is best to water in the morning. Place the plant in the sink and use tepid water. Do not use salt-softened or distilled water. Let the water run through the plant for a minute or so. Be sure to let the plant drain completely.

If any water remains in the crown (where the leaves join in the center) use a paper towel to blot the water to avoid crown rot.


Phalaenopsis are ‘low’ light orchids. They grow beautifully in an east window and can be grown in a south or west window if protected by a sheer curtain. A phal’s leaves should be olive green. If they are darker it means the plant is not getting enough light; red tinged leaves mean the plant is getting too much light. Once the plant is in bloom you can place it anywhere in your home out of direct sunlight. If your plant does not re-bloom, increase the amount of light that it receives.

Continue watering and fertilizing while waiting for the blooming cycle to begin!


Phals are easy to grow because they enjoy the same temperatures we do – above 60º F at night and a range of 70º F to 80º F or higher during the day. 95º F is the maximum temperature recommendation. Keep in mind that temperatures close to the window on a windowsill will be colder or hotter than your general house temperature. Fluctuating temperatures can cause bud drop on plants with buds ready to open.


Any balanced orchid fertilizer (look at the numbers on the container, 20-20-20, etc.) can be used to fertilize your orchid. Feeding weakly (half strength) weekly works well. Once a month, use clear water to flush any accumulated salts from the potting mix.

Cutting the spike

When the blooms are finished, you can cut the spike down to the level of the leaves and the plant will bloom with larger flowers and a strong stem within a year. You can also cut off the stem leaving two nodes (those little brown lines on the stem below where the flowers were) on the stem. One of these nodes will then initiate and generally produce flowers within eight to 12 weeks.


Many growers use orchid pots with holes in the sides that allow air to circulate through the loose medium and around the leaves and roots. We have many decorative pots designed just for orchids! Continue watering and fertilizing while you are waiting for the blooming cycle to begin again! Repotting is usually done every one to three years.


Easy-Care Air Plants


Air plants (tillandsias) are amazingly versatile and are a great conversation piece! In their natural habitat of Central and South America, air plants grow on the trunks of trees, and get all the moisture they need through their foliage from the humidity in the air. They belong to a special family of plants called epiphytes, which are plants that grow on other plants in a non-parasitic way, only using the host plant for support. Most orchids, bromeliads and even some types of ferns are epiphytes too. You don’t have to travel to some tropical destination to enjoy air plants!

Air plants are enjoyed by avid gardeners and beginners alike and offer a decorative, design element indoors. Not requiring soil, air plants look beautiful placed in a glass vessel, on drift wood, in a terrarium or even in a simple tray with found objects like rocks and sand. The possibilities are endless!

Air plants prefer bright, filtered light and to be misted several times a week. We like to completely submerge air plants in water once a week to give them a nice, good soaking.

If you don’t have one already, stop in and pick out some air plants for yourself and a friend. We have many varieties to choose from and they are super easy to grow.. and be warned, they are addictive!





Now in: Citrus Plants

Grow your own lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruits and more with your own indoor citrus plant. We’ve received a fresh shipment of sun-loving dwarf citrus plants, many in bloom! Find varieties like Meyer Lemon, Key Lime Limequats, Navel Oranges and more!

A Blooming Valentine

Our greenhouses are filled with beautiful blooms that make the perfect gift for yourself or your Valentine. Flowering plants will last longer than your cut flowers, and serve as a reminder that even though it is still Winter, Spring really is just around the corner. Please note, supplies and selection will vary at each Mahoney’s location.

What’s in Store: Indoor Houseplants

When the weather’s chilly, our greenhouses are an oasis of tropical houseplants. Browse our vast selection of tabletop sized to large floor-plants. Find varieties for low light, bright light, easy care and more!


Caring for indoor plants is really pretty easy. Plants need light, water and fertilizer to grow and flourish. Different plants have different requirements and some plants are easier than others. If you are a beginner – or if you are really busy and need something low maintenance – start with one of our easy care houseplants. These plants are durable, will handle a range of indoor temperatures in your home and will withstand a bit of watering neglect.


This is a key question and one you need to ask before deciding which houseplant to bring home. Light requirements are divided into 3 groups:

  • Full Sun
    4 to 6 hours a day direct sun – try a southern exposure.
  • Medium Light
    2 to 3 hours of direct sun, or 6 to 8 hours of bright indirect light, typically eastern or western exposure, or perhaps southern exposure but not placed directly near a window.
  • Low Light
    No direct sunlight, but some indirect light, or even 8 or more hours a day of electric lights (regular incandescent, fluorescent, etc.)

Some plants are more sensitive to light fluctuations than others. For best results pick a houseplant that matches your room’s available light. Look at the plant label to see its group, or just ask us.


After determining the right amount of light, you need to know a little bit about watering. Surprisingly enough, the #1 reason houseplants fail to thrive is OVERWATERING, and that is because many people look at the top surface of the soil to decide when to water. Soil often looks dry on top, even when the plant has plenty of moisture. The real question is how moist the soil is below the surface.

Stick your finger right into the soil to a depth of 2” (about to your second knuckle). Gently pull it out look near the knuckle. You should be able to see if the soil is dry, slightly moist or very wet. Sort of like a human cake tester.

  • If the soil is dry at this 2” depth, it is time to water.
  • If the soil is slightly moist, wait a day or more.
  • If the soil is downright wet at this depth, cut back on how frequently you water.

If possible, water your plants in the morning and use tepid (slightly warm) water.

Water thoroughly and slowly, but stop as soon as water runs through the drainage holes. Make sure that the soil is thoroughly wet when you are finished. If the water runs through the drainage hole too quickly, the pot may be crammed with roots and contain too little soil. In this case it may be time to repot.

It’s important not to leave excess water in the saucer – roots can rot if constantly wet. An alternative is to fill your drainage dish with a layer of small pebbles or river rocks. The rocks will keep the bottom of the pot elevated over excess water.


We regularly feed our houseplants. When you bring it home it is important to continue this care – especially if it is a flowering plant. As a rule of thumb, houseplants should be fed every other week in spring, summer and early fall. As light levels diminish in November, your plant will need less fertilization – once a month or less. Using a complete liquid fertilizer will ensure healthy, thriving plants. Follow package instruction carefully – too much fertilizer can be worse than too little.

Follow these three guidelines and even the most notorious plant killer can enjoy happy healthy plants in many rooms in their home, dorm or office.


Airborne toxins such as formaldehyde, TCE and benzene are present in every home and office. That’s because these compounds are found in countless products used everyday: paints, varnishes, plastics, rubber, insulation and particleboard. Even permanent-pressed clothes, grocery bags and facial tissue contribute harmful toxins in the air you breath. Worse yet, symptoms from these toxins include eye, nose and throat irritation, headaches, allergic dermatitis, chronic respiratory diseases and neuropsychological problems. Yikes!

Houseplants fight air pollution by absorbing these harmful contaminants. NASA researchers discovered that certain houseplants can reduce indoor pollutants by 87 percent in 24 hours. So, why not add several plants to your home and office? You’ll love the look and breathe easier, too!


This beatiful plant will grow to be a dramatic feature in any home or office

A bold tree, with its large, rubbery leaves, on stems as straight as exclamation points! This variety is a winner indoors – give it as much indirect light as possible and keep away from drafts – you’ll have plently of joyful years ahead with your new houseplant. Although they enjoy humidity, they also tolerate lower humidity levels.


An easy indoor vine that anyone can grow.

While In the wild they can overwhelm a hundred foot tall tree; in your house they will simply trail nicely down a plant stand. One of the top ten clean air plants, Pothos help remove formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air. When a vine gets too long, simply prune it from the top (close to the soil) to encourge new growth near the center of the plant.


Thrives in lower light – so it’s lovely in dining and living rooms, offices, etc. Purifies the air, too.

Another one of our very popular “Easy Care” houseplants, these beautiful Peace Lilies have striking white flowers and beautiful foliage.They remove air borne toxins, too! They like water and misting more in the summer, less in the winter. They can bloom twice a year if fertilized. Try the slow release Osmocote.


A beautiful tree that you can grow in your house.

This Ficus tree is a classic in office lobbies and atriums It tolerates some full sun but is best in filtered sun. Do not overwater; allow the soil to dry and inch or two below the surface. What it like best is to be keep in one spot; moving it from one environment to another can cause it to drop leaves. Allow it to acclimate if you are dramatically changing its home.


A houseplant that thrives in either bright or low light!

One of our most popular “Easy Care” houseplants, this low maintenance miracle resembles the leaves of corn stalks. Although it tolerates neglect, be sure to not over-water or over-fertilize, and never place your corn plant in a draft or direct sun. This slow-growing houseplant will give you visual pleasure for years to come!


One of the easiest houseplants to grow – now available in exciting new hybrids.

Aglaonema are popular at home, dorms and offices because they are both great looking and very dependable. Check out the hybrids for fresh new color options. In general the green varieties tolerate low light whereas the colorful varieties need brighter light (check tag). Considered a lucky plant in Asian culture, Aglaonema like to be kept moist but not soaking wet.


Looking for a palm that tolerates shade? Stop right here!

Beautiful, tall and graceful, this palm adapts well to a variety of different light environments. Plus it’s proven to help clean the air toxins in your home or office. Although this palm is relatively low-maintenance, it likes to be misted once in a while. An inexpensive, beautiful addition to your decor!


Great easy care houseplant for a hanging basket or as a climber!

The arrow-shaped leaves on this easy houseplant make it a great option for places where a climber or hanger work better. Arrowhead vines will tolerate low light but will grow much better in bright, indirect light. They like to be moist at all times, but not soggy. Arrowhead vines like to be root-bound and therefore do not need to be repotted very often.


The perfect match for anyone wanting a houseplant!

You can’t beat an Arboricola! It can tolerate a wide variety of soil types and light conditions. Depending on where you place your plant and how much light it gets, you might have different size & colored leaves, but your Arboricola will love you just the same! During the winter watch the moisture levels and mist as needed. One tip is to place the pot on a tray of river rocks.

5 Winter Tips for Healthy Houseplants


It’s counterintuitive, but overwatering is the most common reason plants fail – particularly in the winter. Overwatering can cause browning of leaves, fungus, gnats, and dropping of leaves. Wait to water your houseplants until they become dry.  Test the soil with your finger. When the top inch is dry, then add water.
Nice Idea: Use the same watering vessel each time, so you know to add the same amount whenever you water.
Neat Idea: place a cork pad under your plant’s saucer. This will eliminate water stains on your carpet or hardwood floors.


Keep your leaves free of dust and grime this will keep your plants healthier – plus they’ll look better.  Take a half of a lemon and squeeze it into a quart of water using a soft cloth. Wet it with the lemon mix and wipe gently. Support the foliage using your other hand so you won’t bend or break the leaf.  Unless you live in a dust bowl, you’ll probably only have to do this once every six months or so.


Your houseplants need food during the winter, but less is more.  If your directions say 1 tablespoon or 1 scoop we recommend cutting that in half. Feed only once a month until spring. Personally I believe organic fertilizers are better for plants.
Who knew: Using filtered or bottled water will help eliminate dead ends. The minerals in tap water will settle to the ends of the leaves and cause the dead ends.


Keep an eye out for pests.  They usually will attack the new growth and also hide on the underside of the leaves and along the stem.  They are not harmful to humans and are easily able to control.  If you do discover pests grab yourself an organic insect spray. Lay out some plastic under the pot and start spraying at the bottom of the plant.
Spray the foliage on the underside and then on top, working your way up. Your treatments may take several applications 7 – 10 days apart.  The sooner you discover those pests, the easier it is to get under control, so check your plants often.


If you feel your plant needs to be repotted into a bigger container, it’s best to wait to late winter or early spring. Longer daylight hours and warmer temperatures are more conducive to root expansion.  Choose a container that is 4 – 6 inches larger than the existing pot.  When choosing a pot the saucer is important. You want at least 2″ of space between the saucer edge and the bottom of the pot.

Video Look: Mahoney’s Florist Holiday 2017


Finish your holiday decorating with beautiful flowers from The Florist at Mahoney’s. Visit our full-service florist departments in our Winchester and Tewksbury stores to find cut flowers, beautiful arrangements, boxwood trees, and tabletop planters. From small teacher and host gifts to grand orchid planters and spectacular vase arrangements, we’ve got you covered! Order from our holiday collection here: