Video Look: What’s In Store: May 18, 2019

The rain is gone and we’re ready! We are absolutely packed to the brim with flowering tropical plants, hanging baskets, Uncle Mike’s Herbs + Veggies, trees and shrubs. Plus, our selection of lightweight fiberclay fountains are now 30% Off!

Video Look: What’s In Store May 11, 2019

Happy Mother’s Day Weekend! Our stores are filled with everything you’ll need to kick off gardening season or find the perfect gift for Mom! We’re filled to the brim with our locally-grown hanging baskets, fresh cut flowers in our Florists in Winchester & Tewksbury, beautiful pottery, hydrangeas and lilac shrubs, herbs + veggies and all Rose Bushes are 20% off for Rewards Members through 5/15/2019! Not a Rewards Member? Sign up at the register today!

Now in: Strawberry Plants

It’s the best time of year to plant your strawberry plants! Our selection is unbeatable this year with many of Uncle Mike’s favorites. Grown locally in our Woburn greenhouses, our strawberry varieties have been selected for their great performance in our New England garden. Strawberries grow best in full sun and are grouped into two categories: June-bearing and Ever-bearing. June-Bearing Strawberries produce a single, large crop per year during a 2-3 week period in late Spring. These traditionally grown strawberry plants produce a single flush of flowers before berries and many runners. They are classified in early, mid and late varieties. Our favorite is the All-Star variety for their taste and resistance to disease. Because they produce runners, they need more room in the garden and can make a great ground-cover.

Ever-bearing Strawberry plants produce fruit throughout the entire growing season. Beginning in Spring, with intermittent crops throughout summer and fall. They don’t send out many runners, which makes them great for containers or hanging baskets. Day-Neutral Strawberries – similar to ever-bearing, also send out few runners and have a continuous crop all season long vs. intermittent.

‘Ozark Beauty’

This day-neutral strawberry is famous for its large yields of bright red, usually large berries. Produces from June – September. They deliver fruit all summer with a large initial harvest and a steady crop the rest of the season.


Quinault is a terrific variety for containers. It is everbearing, and produces amazingly large and sweet strawberries. Very disease resistant!



Strawberry Montana is a later addition to the strawberry varieties. Produces an abundance of conically-shaped medium-large fruits for the whole summer. Flavor is sweet. Everbearing.


Ideal for small containers and window boxes, Gasana has a compact growth habit with beautiful pink flowers. The flowers produce small to medium, conical berries with excellent flavor. Everbearing.


An all-American Selection in 2016! Easy to grow and vigorous, Delizz is a prolific producer of smaller, tasty strawberries all season long. Delizz is “day-neutral” vs everbearing. Modern day-neutral strawberries were developed to produce continuously all summer and into the fall. In contrast, traditional everbearing produces two to three separate crops each growing season.


All Star produces a very high yield of extra sweet, juicy berries in mid-late season. Usually late Spring and Early Summer here in New England – hence Junebearing. They are vigorous plants and very resistant to disease! Plant with everbearing varieties for a even more enjoyment.


Alpine Strawberry

Alpine Strawberries are small fruits with wonderfully sweet taste. Extremely prolific, alpine strawberries don’t look like your typical grocery store strawberry fruit. Looking like a wild cultivar, alpines bear fruit throughout the season with production peaking in mid summer. Because of their wildflower tendancies, apline strawberries are often used as ground cover because of their vigorous spreading habits.

Video Look: What’s In Store April 19, 2019

Spring has sprung and we’re ready for Easter and Passover this weekend! Find blooming trees and shrubs in our nurseries, festive plants and decor in our greenhouses and all of the expert advice you’ll need to spruce up the home and yard. Visit our full-service florists in Tewksbury and Winchester for fresh-cut flowers and potted arrangements for holiday decor and host gifts too!

Featured: Sweet Peet Organic Mulch

Sweet Peet® is the premium organic mulch for flower and vegetable gardens. Sweet Peet® buffers both acid and alkaline (low and High pH) soils by helping to maintain the desired gardening Sweet Spot. During its formulation, Sweet Peet® goes through a thermal stage where weeds and weed seeds are destroyed, preventing contamination in your garden.

Sweet Peet® is the best organic mulch for a vegetable garden because it enriches the soil, transforms into humus, improves tilth, encourages beneficial earthworms and replenishes microbes that are often destroyed by harsh chemicals and acid rain.

Like most mulches, Sweet Peet® suppresses weeds by smothering the soil. But Sweet Peet does more; it is produced to optimize the naturally occurring cat-ion exchange which creates an undesirable growing medium for weeds.

Video Look: Valentine’s Day in the Florist

We’re ready! Stop into our full-service florists at Mahoney’s Winchester and Tewksbury for beautiful blooms for your Valentine! Let us help you pull together fresh bouquets, or browse from our ready-made assortment of roses, tulips and mixed flowers. Find grab-and-go beautiful vase arrangements and potted arrangements too!

Video Look What’s In Store: February 2, 2019

Our greenhouses are loaded with fresh houseplants! With deliveries arriving every day throughout the winter months, you’ll find the perfect plants to dress up your home. Easy care, low light, tabletop to floor-sized, unique varieties and more! It’s all here.

Video Look: Christmas In The Florist

With Christmas just days away, let the Florist at Mahoney’s in Winchester and Tewksbury help you get ready. Find fresh cut flowers, grab-and-go arrangements, table centerpieces, boxwood trees and festive bouquets to dress up the house!

What’s In Store: December 16, 2018

Poinsettias of every color and size, festive holiday blooms like hydrangea, Christmas Cactus and more– it’s all in our greenhouse! Plus stop into our Florists at Mahoney’s Winchester and Tewksbury for grab and go arrangements, beautiful boxwood trees, fresh cut flowers and more!