Native Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials for Low-Maintenance City Gardens

Dreaming of a vibrant green space in your urban abode but limited by time, budget, or square footage? Look no further than the power of native plants! Ditch the high-maintenance routine and embrace eco-friendly gardening with native trees, shrubs, and perennials.


These superstars of the plant world are perfectly adapted to your local climate and soil conditions, requiring less water, fertilizer, and overall TLC. Let’s face it: millennials in bustling cities like Boston, Cambridge, and Worcester often juggle busy schedules and limited outdoor space. Native plants are here to save the day, offering a sustainable and manageable solution for creating your own urban oasis.


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The Benefits of Native Plants

Native plants have existed in a particular region for thousands of years and co-evolved with local insects, birds, and pollinators, creating a harmonious and balanced ecosystem. 

Here’s why native plants are the perfect pick for your urban garden:

  • Native trees, shrubs, and perennials are naturally suited to your local climate and soil. This translates to less watering, reduced need for fertilizers, and better resistance to pests and diseases, as well as extreme weather and climate fluctuations – a win-win for your wallet and free time!
  • These local heroes play a vital role in supporting biodiversity. They provide essential food and habitat for pollinators like butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds, promoting a healthy and thriving ecosystem right in your backyard (or balcony!).
  • Native plants require less watering compared to non-native species, which is a major boon for water conservation, especially in urban environments.


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Low-Effort Gardening Solutions

Now that you’re sold on the magic of native plants let’s get your low-maintenance garden growing! Here are some practical tips to keep your green thumb green without breaking a sweat:

  • This landscaping approach focuses on using drought-tolerant plants and minimizing water usage. By understanding the soil and available moisture in your landscape, you can create a water-wise garden that thrives with minimal fuss.
  • Mulch is your friend! A layer of organic mulch around your plants helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and regulates soil temperature – all while adding a polished touch to your garden design.
  • Companion planting involves strategically placing different plant species together to benefit from each other. For example, certain plants may attract beneficial insects that help control pests on their neighbors. Research companion planting strategies specific to native plants in your region for a thriving, low-maintenance garden bed.


Low-Effort Native Plant Picks for Tiny Urban Spaces

  • Perennials: Columbine (Aquilegia canadensis), Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia fulgida), Wild Geranium (Geranium maculatum)
  • Shrubs: Smooth Arrowwood Viburnum (Viburnum dentatum), Inkberry (Ilex glabra), Winterberry (Ilex verticillata)
  • Small Trees: Redbud (Cercis canadensis), Dogwood (Cornus florida), Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis)


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Gardening Solutions for Different Living Spaces

  • Living the vertical life? No problem! Maximize your limited space with container gardening and vertical gardening techniques. Hang baskets overflowing with colorful native blooms, or create a living wall using climbing vines on a trellis. For a touch of whimsy, consider repurposed vintage containers or reclaimed wood for your plant pots.


  • Balconies and patios can be transformed into miniature green havens with the right approach. Opt for compact native plants that thrive in containers, like dwarf varieties of shrubs and perennials. Hanging baskets overflowing with trailing native vines and window boxes overflowing with colorful blooms can add a touch of life to your urban retreat.


  • Thinking of transforming your yard into a sustainable paradise? Start by understanding your existing landscape and soil conditions. This includes elements like soil condition, sun exposure, light availability, and available moisture. Native plants are suited to a wide range of conditions, from full sun to dry shade. This adaptability makes them perfect for seamlessly integrating into existing gardens, replacing high-maintenance areas with low-water alternatives. Consider creating a pollinator-friendly haven by incorporating native flowering plants that attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds.


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Budget-Friendly Gardening Tips

Going green doesn’t have to mean emptying your wallet. Here are some clever ways to cultivate your native plant haven without breaking the bank:

  • Join forces with fellow plant enthusiasts! Organize or participate in plant swap events where you can trade cuttings, seeds, or established plants.
  • Channel your inner botanist and try propagating plants from seeds. Native plant seeds can be readily available online or at local garden centers, often at a much lower cost than established plants.
  • Get creative with recycled materials! Turn old tin cans into charming containers, use leftover bricks to create raised garden beds, or give a new lease on life to forgotten furniture as plant stands.
  • Many cities offer fantastic resources for eco-conscious gardeners. Look out for community gardens that may offer seed banks or plant sales. Attend local gardening workshops to learn more about native plants and get expert advice for free.


Embrace the power of native plants and create a garden that’s not only beautiful but also eco-friendly and requires minimal effort. Remember, these local heroes are perfectly adapted to your environment, reducing your need for water, fertilizer, and pesticides.

Take the first step towards your sustainable urban oasis by visiting Mahoney’s Garden at 165 Princeton Street, North Chelmsford, MA 01863. We are a local favorite and a great resource for native plant varieties that will thrive in your region. Our knowledgeable staff can answer your questions and help you choose the perfect plants for your needs.

Alyssum Banker Plant in Winchester

Harnessing Nature’s Army: Banker Plants and Beneficial Insects in the Greenhouse

If you’re an avid gardener or just someone who loves to immerse themselves in the beauty of plants, you might have heard of Integrated Pest Management or IPM. IPM is a smart and sustainable way to handle pests. Instead of relying solely on chemicals, IPM uses a combination of techniques like biological control (using beneficial insects as natural predators), crop rotation, diligent and frequent scouting of plants for pests, and traps.  By understanding pest behaviors and the ecosystem, IPM aims to keep pests at manageable levels without harming the environment.  It’s all about smart strategies that protect crops and gardens effectively while being mindful of nature’s balance.

An amazing tool in the IPM tool kit is the incredible duo of banker plants and beneficial insects. But what exactly are they, and how do they work their magic in greenhouse spaces? Let’s dive in!


Banker Plants: The Silent Guardians of Greenhouses

Imagine a bustling metropolis where every citizen has a role to play in maintaining peace and harmony. In the world of greenhouses, banker plants are the unsung heroes playing a similar role. But what exactly are banker plants?

Banker plants are sacrificial plants strategically placed within a greenhouse to attract and sustain populations of beneficial insects. These plants act as a food source, habitat, or breeding ground for these tiny warriors, allowing them to thrive and multiply.


Alyssum Banker Plant in Winchester


Beneficial Insects: Nature’s Pest Control Squad

Now, let’s meet the stars of the show – beneficial insects. While the term “insect” might conjure up images of creepy crawlies, these tiny creatures are the knights in shining armor of the plant kingdom. Beneficial insects are nature’s own pest control squad, preying on harmful pests that threaten the health of greenhouse plants.

Lacewings, predatory mites, and parasitic wasps are just a few examples of beneficial insects that can be deployed in greenhouse spaces. These tiny warriors patrol the leaves, stems, and soil, seeking out and devouring pests like aphids, mites, thrips and whiteflies, keeping the greenhouse ecosystem in balance.

Here at Mahoney’s our tiny warriors are a type of insect known as Orius Insidiosus, also known as Minute Pirate Bug, who feed on smaller insects, spider mites, thrips and other common plant pests.  Interested in learning more about these greenhouse pirates?  Check out Cornell University’s informational page here!


Photo of orius, a beneficial insect


The Greenhouse Harmony: How Banker Plants and Beneficial Insects Work Together

Now that we’ve met our heroes, let’s see how they team up to keep the greenhouse clean and green without the need for harmful chemicals.

  1. Attract and Sustain: Banker plants act as a beacon, luring beneficial insects into the greenhouse with their enticing aroma and nectar-rich flowers. Once inside, these insects find a haven where they can feed, breed, and establish their population.
  2. Hunt and Protect: Beneficial insects, fueled by the resources provided by banker plants, scour the greenhouse in search of prey. When they encounter harmful pests, they unleash their natural predatory instincts, effectively keeping pest populations in check.
  3. Ecosystem Balance: By harnessing the power of nature’s own pest control mechanisms, greenhouses can achieve a delicate balance within their ecosystem. Rather than resorting to chemical pesticides that can harm beneficial insects and disrupt the natural order, they can rely on banker plants and beneficial insects to maintain a harmonious environment.


Beneficial Predatory Insect

The Benefits of Going Green with Banker Plants and Beneficial Insects

Embracing banker plants and beneficial insects offers a plethora of benefits:

  • Environmentally Friendly: By reducing reliance on chemical pesticides, it’s not only safeguarding the health of the plants but also minimizing the ecological footprint.
  • Improved Plant Health: With pests kept in check, plants can thrive without the stress of constant attacks, leading to healthier growth and higher yields.
  • Enhanced Biodiversity: By fostering a diverse ecosystem within greenhouses, it’s more than just growing plants; it’s nurturing a vibrant community of insects and microorganisms that contribute to overall ecosystem health.


Mahoney's Winchester Banker Plants

The banker plants and their insects have been hard at work at our growing greenhouses in Woburn as our Mahoney’s Grown plants mature.  But now that these plants have been sent to any one of our 7 locations, the banker plants have gone with them to keep the plants happy and healthy until you can take them home.

Next time you visit one of our greenhouses you may see a plant with a sign proclaiming ‘Banker Plant’, be sure to stop by and say hello to our tiny warriors!


Want to see some of the plants these pirate bugs are protecting?  Check out our online shop here!


The Colorful History of Hydrangeas in Massachusetts 

Blue Hydrangea macrophylla

Hydrangea macrophylla


Hydrangeas are a beloved and iconic flower that has graced the gardens and landscapes of Massachusetts for centuries. These beautiful and versatile plants have a rich history in the state, and their presence has become deeply intertwined with the cultural and natural landscape. In this blog post, we will take a journey through time to explore the fascinating history of hydrangeas in Massachusetts, from their introduction to their role in local horticulture. 


Early Introductions

Most hydrangeas (with the exceptions of some smooth and oakleaf hydrangea varieties) are native to East Asia and were not originally found in the Massachusetts landscape. They made their first appearance in North America in the early 18th century. As trade and colonial expansion brought exotic plants to the New World, hydrangeas found their way into American gardens. The first introductions are believed to have taken place through the port of Boston, where these captivating plants found fertile ground for growth. 


Notable Varieties

Hydrangeas come in a wide variety of species and cultivars, but a few have found particular favor in the gardens of Massachusetts. The most iconic among them is the Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla). This hydrangea is known for its striking mophead and lacecap blooms, which can be found in shades of blue, pink, or even white, depending on the soil’s pH level. Their vibrant colors have made them a cherished addition to many gardens, especially along the Cape Cod coast. 


Cultural Significance

The hydrangea has not only left its mark on the horticultural landscape of Massachusetts but has also become a symbol of the state’s charm. This beloved flower is often associated with New England, known for its picturesque coastal towns and historic homes. You’ll frequently find hydrangeas adorning the exteriors of traditional Cape Cod-style houses, adding to the region’s allure. The robust, yet delicate appearance of hydrangeas is an embodiment of the enduring beauty of Massachusetts. 

Hydrangeas also hold symbolic meanings, often associated with grace, beauty, and abundance. They are frequently used in floral arrangements and landscaping for their lush, showy blooms. 


Cape Cod: A Hydrangea Haven

One of the most remarkable chapters in the history of hydrangeas in Massachusetts is their connection to Cape Cod. The Cape’s temperate climate, sandy soils, and coastal influences create an ideal environment for these flowers to thrive. Cape Cod has become a haven for hydrangea enthusiasts, with numerous gardens and nurseries dedicated to these beautiful blooms.  


White hydrangea hedge blooming in a garden.

Cape Cod Hydrangea Festival

The Cape Cod Hydrangea Fest is a delightful celebration of one of the region’s most beloved flowers.  The festival began in 2014 as a collaborative effort among local gardeners, nonprofit organizations, and businesses on Cape Cod.   

This year, visitors can look forward to a colorful array of garden tours across Cape Cod, showcasing stunning hydrangea displays in private gardens not usually open to the public. It’s a perfect opportunity for both enthusiasts and casual admirers to explore different hydrangea varieties and gather gardening tips from experts.  Or, you could swing by the Heritage Museum & Gardens and look at one of their many exhibits, take part in some of their festival activities or explore their gardens filled with rhododendrons, daylilies, hydrangeas and more!   

Additionally, the festival includes workshops, art exhibits, and talks by horticulturalists, ensuring there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Whether you’re a local resident or visiting Cape Cod for the first time, the Hydrangea Fest promises a memorable experience immersed in natural beauty and community spirit. 

Come swing by Mahoney’s in Falmouth July 5th to participate in our Bloomin’ Easy Day for some hydrangea-centric activities and for the chance to win a gift card! 

Changing Traditions

As times change, so do gardening practices. While hydrangeas have long been cultivated in traditional gardens, they are also finding their way into more modern landscapes. Gardeners in Massachusetts are experimenting with these plants in various settings, from cottage-style gardens to contemporary designs. With an ever-expanding array of hydrangea cultivars, gardeners have more choices than ever, allowing them to create unique and striking landscapes. 

Challenges and Preservation

Hydrangeas have thrived in Massachusetts for centuries, but they are not without their challenges. As the climate changes, gardeners must adapt to different growing conditions. Hydrangeas are susceptible to extreme weather events, pests, and diseases, which require vigilant care to preserve their beauty and vitality. Learn about caring for these beauties with on our Hydrangea resource page! 

The history of hydrangeas in Massachusetts is a colorful and enduring one. From their initial introduction to their prominent place in gardens and landscapes, these flowers have become a symbol of the state’s natural beauty and charm. Whether adorning historic homes along the Cape or adding a touch of elegance to modern gardens, hydrangeas continue to captivate the hearts of Massachusetts residents. Their rich history and ongoing popularity ensure that these beloved blooms will remain a vibrant part of the state’s horticultural heritage for years to come. 


Low-Maintenance Gardens with Native Trees, Shrubs, and Perennials

Ever dream of a flourishing garden but feel discouraged by the time and financial commitment traditional landscaping demands? If you’re a busy millennial juggling city life with limited balcony space, creating a beautiful outdoor haven can seem out of reach. But fear not, fellow green-thumb wannabes! Here at Mahoney’s, we champion a secret weapon for urban gardens: native plants.


These superstars of the local flora offer a game-changing approach to gardening, requiring less maintenance and kinder to your budget. Buckle up, plant enthusiasts, because we’re about to transform your cramped balcony or pocket-sized backyard into a low-effort oasis teeming with life!


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The Struggle is Real: High-Maintenance Landscapes


Let’s face it, traditional landscaping can be a real burden. Between meticulous pruning, constant watering, and expensive fertilizers, it can feel like a never-ending chore. Throw in a busy work schedule and limited balcony space, and the dream of a vibrant garden quickly fades.


Imagine spending your precious free time relaxing in a lush green haven, not battling with wilting flowers or deciphering cryptic fertilizer labels. Sounds pretty good, right? Here’s where native plants come swooping in like superheroic flora.


Your Low-Maintenance Gardening BFFs


Native plants are the ultimate low-maintenance companions for urban gardens. Adapted to your local climate, they thrive naturally with minimal fuss. No more frantic watering schedules – these champions are accustomed to the region’s rainfall patterns. Plus, say goodbye to hefty fertilizer bills! Native plants have a symbiotic relationship with the local soil, extracting nutrients without needing constant feeding.


But the benefits extend far beyond your wallet and free time. Native plants are champions of sustainability. They attract a symphony of pollinators like butterflies and bees, fostering a healthy local ecosystem. These tiny buzzing friends flit from flower to flower, ensuring the continuation of plant life and adding a touch of magic to your urban haven.

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Getting Started with Native Plant Power: Your Action Plan

Massachusetts is blessed with a stunning array of native flora. For an easy-care, visually stunning shrub, consider the Gray Dogwood (Cornus racemosa). It boasts clusters of white flowers in spring and vibrant red berries in fall, providing year-round visual interest. If you have a sunny spot, the Butterfly Weed (Asclepias tuberosa) is a must-have. Its bright orange flowers attract butterflies like magnets, making it a true pollinator haven.


  • Shrub and Tree Options: Explore the diverse selection of native shrubs and trees available at garden centers like Mahoney’s Garden Centers. Here are some popular low-maintenance choices to consider:


  • Shrubs: Viburnums, Rhododendrons (azaleas), Inkberry Holly, Summersweet Clethra


  • Trees: Redbud (Cercis canadensis), Dogwood (Cornus florida), Serviceberry (Amelanchier canadensis), Eastern White Pine (Pinus strobus)


Bonus Planting Tips: Amending your soil with a bit of compost before planting will give your native plants a head start. Most native plants are naturally drought-tolerant, so don’t overwater them – let their deep root systems do the legwork!


Ready to transform your urban space into a thriving haven for both you and local wildlife? Head down to Mahoney’s Garden Center at 165 Princeton Street, North Chelmsford! Our knowledgeable staff can help you select the perfect native plants for your specific needs and local climate. With our extensive selection and expert advice, creating your low-maintenance oasis is just around the corner!

Mahoney's Garden Center-New England-Massachussets-Mother's Day-mother's day sign chalkboard

Unique Floral Arrangements for Mother’s Day in Tewksbury

As we prepare to celebrate the wonderful mothers in our lives, what better way to express our love and appreciation than with thoughtfully curated floral arrangements? Our teams at our Winchester & Tewksbury Florist locations are excited to present creative and personalized gift ideas tailored to your preferences. Whether you’re seeking the perfect bouquet or a custom arrangement, let us inspire and guide you in creating a memorable Mother’s Day experience.


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The Tradition of Mother’s Day Gifting

Mother’s Day holds a special place in our hearts, a day dedicated to honoring and celebrating the remarkable women in our lives. Gifting flowers has been a long-standing tradition, symbolizing love, gratitude, and admiration. Many residents seek out the perfect blooms to express their heartfelt sentiments. At our local florists in Tewksbury, we recognize the significance of this day and strive to offer unique floral arrangements that capture the essence of your relationship with Mom.

Unique Mother’s Day Bouquets

When it comes to selecting the perfect Mother’s Day bouquet, one size certainly does not fit all. That’s why we take pride in showcasing a variety of unique floral arrangements, each carefully designed to suit different tastes and preferences. From elegant roses to vibrant lilies, our selection features locally sourced flowers that exude freshness and beauty. What sets our arrangements apart is the personalized touch we add, whether it’s incorporating Mom’s favorite flowers or arranging them in her preferred style. These personalized touches elevate each gift, making it truly special and meaningful.


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Tips for Choosing the Perfect Floral Arrangement for Mom

Choosing the right floral arrangement for Mom can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Consider her favorite colors, flowers, and styles when making your selection. Does she prefer classic roses or whimsical wildflowers? Is she drawn to bright and bold hues or soft pastels? By taking these preferences into account, you can ensure that your gift resonates with her and reflects the love and appreciation you feel. Our expert florists are here to assist you every step of the way, guiding you toward the best Mother’s Day bouquets that will bring a smile to Mom’s face on her special day.

Order your Mother’s Day Bouquets Now

As Mother’s Day approaches, let’s take this opportunity to express our love and appreciation for Mom with unique floral arrangements that speak to her heart. At our local florists in Tewksbury, we’re dedicated to helping you find the perfect gift that will make her day truly memorable. Explore our selection of personalized bouquets, and let us help you show Mom just how much she means to you. With our Mother’s Day flower delivery in Tewksbury, you can make her day extra special, no matter where you are. Order now and make this Mother’s Day one she’ll never forget.

Growing Together: Mahoney’s and KidsGardening Planting the Seeds of Education and Wonder

In a world where technology often dominates children’s attention, fostering a connection to nature and instilling a love for learning can be transformative. Mahoney’s is proud to be a sponsor of the KidsGardening Garden Youth Grant Program, an initiative that aligns with our mission to create opportunities for kids to play, learn, and grow through gardening. Read on to explore the inspiring mission of KidsGardening and how Mahoney’s is contributing to happier, healthier kids and communities through this meaningful partnership.



KidsGardening’s Mission

At the heart of KidsGardening’s mission is a commitment to creating opportunities for children to play, learn, and grow through gardening. By engaging their natural curiosity and wonder, KidsGardening aims to support educators and families in providing children with the tools and resources they need to connect with the natural world. The organization offers grant funding, original educational resources, inspiration, and a supportive community to encourage more kids to learn through gardening.


The Impact on Kids and Communities

The belief that gardening improves kids’ lives, communities, and the planet is at the core of both Mahoney’s and KidsGardening. Gardening provides a unique avenue for every child to explore and care for the natural world, participate in hands-on learning, and gain a deeper understanding of where their food comes from. By fostering a love for gardening, KidsGardening and Mahoney’s contribute to the development of happier, healthier children who are connected to nature and equipped with valuable life skills.



Why Gardening Matters

Gardening is more than just planting seeds and watching them grow; it’s a transformative experience that goes beyond the soil. KidsGardening emphasizes the importance of every child experiencing the unique transformation that occurs when they spend time caring for a garden. Whether it’s an outdoor space, a classroom project, or a small cup on the kitchen windowsill, the act of gardening instills a sense of responsibility, curiosity, and a connection to the natural world.


KidsGardening’s Legacy

Since 1982, KidsGardening has been a premier support provider for youth garden programs nationwide. Through their dedication to creating opportunities for kids to play, learn, and grow, they have left an indelible mark on countless children’s lives. Mahoney’s is honored to be part of this legacy, contributing to the continued success of KidsGardening in empowering the next generation.  In 2021 alone, they reached 3.8 million children with their curriculum, lesson plans, and activities.



Mahoney’s sponsorship of the KidsGardening Garden Youth Grant Program is a testament to our shared commitment to nurturing the potential of every child through gardening. By supporting this impactful initiative, we contribute to a brighter future where children are not only connected to the natural world but also equipped with the knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on their communities and the planet. Together, Mahoney’s and KidsGardening are cultivating wonder, one garden at a time.


Activity of the Month

In partnership with KidsGardening, we’re thrilled to bring the joy of gardening with kids to you!  Each month we’ll be sharing an engaging hands-on activity for families to do at home. Check out our first one below, a perfect indoor activity for those just itching for the gardening season to begin!


February: Grow Your Own Salad


Unwrapping the Magic: The Fascinating Story of Poinsettias and Tips for a Flourishing Holiday Season


Welcome to the enchanting world of Poinsettias – those vibrant bursts of red, pink, and white that herald the holiday season. As you prepare to deck the halls with these festive favorites, let’s dive into the rich history, captivating biology, and practical care tips that make the Poinsettia a cherished symbol of joy and warmth. 


A Blooming History

The Poinsettia’s journey from the sun-drenched landscapes of Mexico to the heart of holiday celebrations worldwide is nothing short of magical. Native to southern Mexico, the plant is known as “Cuetlaxochitl” in Nahuatl, the language of the Aztecs. These ancient people prized the plant for its brilliant red bracts and utilized its sap for medicinal purposes. 

Joel Poinsett, the U.S. Ambassador to Mexico in the early 19th century, encountered this botanical gem during his diplomatic tenure. Struck by its beauty, he sent samples back to his home in South Carolina, introducing the Poinsettia to the United States and sparking its meteoric rise to seasonal stardom. 


Flourishing in Mexico’s Landscape

In its native habitat, the Poinsettia isn’t confined to a decorative pot; it naturally grows into large, lush shrubs, transforming the Mexican landscape with a riot of colors. This perennial evergreen shrub, known botanically as Euphorbia pulcherrima, thrives in the warm, subtropical climates of Mexico and Central America. 

Reaching heights of up to 10 feet, the wild Poinsettia graces hillsides and open areas, contributing to the vibrant tapestry of Mexico’s flora. Its adaptability to varying soil types and preference for well-draining conditions make it a resilient presence in the natural environment. 


Behind the Brilliance: Bracts and Flowers

While the Poinsettia’s beauty is undeniable, it may surprise you to learn that what we commonly perceive as petals are, in fact, specialized leaves known as bracts. These bracts are responsible for the plant’s stunning array of colors, ranging from classic red to elegant white, and soft pink. Nestled within these vibrant bracts are the Poinsettia’s tiny, inconspicuous flowers, located at the center of the plant. It’s a true marvel of nature, where the leaves steal the spotlight, and the flowers work their magic quietly. 


Poinsettia Care 101

Now that you’re enchanted by their history and beguiled by their unique biology, let’s ensure your Poinsettias thrive throughout the holiday season and beyond. Here are some friendly tips for keeping these botanical wonders happy: 


Light and Location

  • Poinsettias love bright, indirect light, so find a cozy spot near a window with filtered sunlight
  • Avoid placing them in drafty areas, as they prefer a stable temperature.


Watering Wisdom

  • Allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings
  • Overwatering can lead to root rot, so moderation is key to a healthy Poinsettia


Feeding Fun

  • Fertilize your Poinsettia every 2-4 weeks during the growing season (spring and summer)
  • Opt for a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer to keep those bracts looking vibrant


Extended Joy

  • To encourage reblooming, reduce the amount of daylight your Poinsettia receives starting in October
  • Keep them in complete darkness for 14 hours a night, ensuring they get 10 hours of bright light during the day. This mimics the natural conditions that trigger blooming


Click below for our detailed printable care guide!

Poinsettia Printable Care Guide


As you welcome these iconic plants into your home this holiday season, remember the rich tapestry of history and biology that accompanies each Poinsettia. By caring for them with a touch of TLC, you can extend the magic well beyond December and enjoy the beauty of these festive companions throughout the year. Happy holidays and may your poinsettias flourish with the spirit of the season! 




Embracing the Wild: The Case for Leaving Perennials Untouched This Fall

A dilemma arises as we reach the fall season and wonder how best to prep our gardens for next spring: to cut or not to cut back our beloved perennials? Well, today, we’re here to make a case for letting nature take its course and leaving those garden stalwarts standing tall. 

There’s a prevailing notion that a well-kept garden requires a meticulous fall cleanup, but we’d like to offer an alternative. Letting your perennials stand proud through the winter not only offers a unique aesthetic appeal but also nurtures the ecosystem in ways we might not have considered. 


A Buffet for Our Feathered Friends

By resisting the urge to trim back your perennials in the fall, you’re essentially setting up a bird-friendly buffet. Seed heads left on plants become a vital food source for our feathered friends during the colder months. Imagine the delight of watching a vibrant array of birds flocking to your garden for a snack! By leaving nature’s pantry intact, you’re contributing to the well-being of local bird populations. 



Mother Nature’s Insulation

When fall arrives, it’s tempting to tidy up the garden and clear away the remnants of summer growth. However, we encourage you to consider a new practice: leave the leaves. Leaving plant matter on the ground serves a crucial purpose – natural insulation. The fallen leaves and stems create a protective layer that shields the soil from harsh winter conditions. This insulation helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and promotes a healthier, more resilient garden come spring. It also provides an important winter home for our native pollinators, keep reading to learn more! 


An Insect Haven

In the tangle of stems and seed heads lies a sanctuary for insects. Many beneficial insects, including native butterflies and bees, use the leftover plant material as shelter. This not only provides them with a cozy home during the winter but also ensures their presence when spring rolls around. It’s a win-win situation – a thriving insect population to improve your garden, all while supporting the delicate balance of the local ecosystem. Native pollinators use this protective covering until it warms up in New England, so to encourage native pollinator populations to thrive, it’s best to leave the leaves until we’re past the last frost date.  


But, we all have different aesthetic desires! If you’re choosing to go eco-friendly this year and have your perennials let their hair down, there is only one exception in which you’ll need to break out the pruners and give them a haircut, and that’s to rid them of any diseased, damaged, or dead bits and bobs.  Clean those up and make sure to dispose of the cuttings to keep your newly insulated soil and plants healthy and disease-free! 


A Note on Pruning

When it comes to pruning, precision is key. Use high-quality pruners like Felco or Corona and make sure they are clean and sharp to make clean cuts, preventing unnecessary stress on the plants. If you do want to cut back your perennials to achieve that clean winter style, here’s a quick how-to: 

Woody Perennials:

For woody perennials, the key is not to cut too close to the groundYou’ll want to trim off any tender stem, but no further down than that! 

Tender Perennials: 

For tender perennials, it’s all about listening to the plant, you can cut as low as you desire, but you just want to make sure you stop right above any new growth! Most perennials, however, can be cut almost all the way down to the ground.


Shop Our Garden Tools Here


We understand the concern. If you opt not to cut back your perennials in the fall, you might wonder about the impending spring chaos. Fear not! While you may not be doing the bulk of the pruning in the fall, a little tidying up in the spring will do wonders. Remove any dead or damaged growth, and your garden will quickly bounce back, rejuvenated, and ready for the growing season. 


Resist the temptation to shear your perennials into neat little bundles this fall. Embrace the beauty of nature’s chaos, and in doing so, you’ll be fostering a healthier ecosystem. From supplying nourishment for birds to creating cozy homes for beneficial insects, and even acting as a protective blanket for the soil – leaving your perennials untouched is a gift to both your garden and the environment. 


So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and enjoy the untamed beauty of your fall garden. Your perennials will thank you, and so will the birds and insects that call your garden home. Happy gardening!




christmas tree in snow

Unlocking the Secrets to Choosing and Caring for Your Fresh Cut Christmas Tree


There’s nothing quite like the allure of a fresh-cut Christmas tree, infusing your home with festive cheer. To keep your tree looking its best throughout the season, understanding the distinctions between tree varieties and applying proper care techniques is essential. 


Conifer Choices for Christmas: Unraveling the Differences

Fraser Fir

Distinguished by its robust branches and stiff needles, the Fraser Fir is a top contender. Its needles, with a deep blue-green hue and silvery-blue undersides, are shorter and rounded (about 0.5 to 1 inch) while offering excellent needle retention. The needles spiral around each branch, providing a unique and resilient structure ideal for heavier ornaments.

Balsam Fir

Meanwhile, the Balsam Fir is known for its softer needles and flexibility compared to the Fraser. With needles sporting a dark green color and silver undersides, they are longer and flatter (ranging from about 0.75 to 1.25 inches) and emit a stronger fragrance. These needles grow in two rows along the sides of each branch, offering a different visual arrangement than the spiral pattern of the Fraser Fir. 

Cook Fir

A hybrid of the Fraser and Balsam varieties, the Cook Fir stands out as a classic choice for Christmas celebrations. Characterized by its sturdy branches and rich, deep green needles, this variety exudes a fragrance that encapsulates the essence of the holiday season. The needles, ranging from 1 to 1.5 inches in length, display a dense arrangement along the branches, creating a lush and full-bodied look. This fir variety offers excellent needle retention, ensuring that your tree remains vibrant throughout the festive season.

White Pine

White Pine is a graceful option for those seeking a softer touch in their holiday decor. The White Pine features long, slender needles that come in clusters of five, creating a feathery appearance. The needles showcase a bright green color and a gentle, flexible nature, making them easy to handle and arrange. One distinct advantage of the White Pine is its minimal production of pollen, making it an excellent choice for individuals with fir pollen allergies. This characteristic not only ensures a delightful aesthetic but also provides a welcoming option for those who want to revel in the beauty of a fresh-cut Christmas tree without the worry of triggering allergies.


Preservation Pro Tips for Prolonging Your Tree’s Lifespan

Understanding how to care for your fresh-cut tree is vital to maintain its vitality throughout the holiday season.  

  1. Reviving Freshness: As soon as you bring your tree home, give it a fresh cut of about 1-1.5 inches from the base to reopen its pores for rehydration and increased water absorption.
  2. Hydration Matters: Immediately place the tree in a stand filled with warm water, aiming to do so within four hours of cutting the base. Regularly check the water level, ensuring it never drops below the base to prevent the pores from sealing.
  1. Ideal Placement: Choose a location away from direct sunlight and heat sources to prevent accelerated drying, preserving the tree’s freshness.
  1. Special Care: Using Prolong Christmas Tree Preservative in your watering routine can significantly extend the tree’s life. Safe around children and pets, this solution assists in maintaining the tree’s vibrant appearance.


Extended Festivity: When cared for properly, your cut tree should last approximately three weeks in your home, radiating festive charm throughout the holiday season. 

Mahoney’s Garden Centers: Your Premier Destination for Christmas Trees in New England

Looking for the perfect tree? Mahoney’s Garden Centers offer an exceptional selection of fresh-cut Christmas trees. We take pride in providing the finest trees, ensuring that your holiday centerpiece is not only beautiful but also long-lasting. Visit us to discover the perfect tree and find Prolong Christmas Tree Preservative at checkout for an extended festive season. 


Click here for a printable guide:

Cut Christmas Tree Printable Care Guide


Winter scene with fresh pink amaryllis

Brighten Up Your Holiday Season with Majestic Amaryllis and Dazzling Paperwhites

As the chilly winds of autumn descend upon New England, the desire for vibrant blooms that bring a touch of warmth to our homes intensifies. Fortunately, nature has provided us with two perfect options that can transform our indoor spaces into floral havens – amaryllis and paperwhites. These enchanting bulbs are remarkably easy to cultivate and can be enjoyed during the festive season, adding a touch of elegance and fragrance to your Christmas décor. Keep in mind, amaryllis and paperwhite bulbs require 6-10 weeks to bloom, here is our handy guide to give you an idea of when to plant to enjoy beautiful blooms in the home!



Amaryllis: A Showstopper for Christmas


Sprouted amaryllis bulbs


Amaryllis, with its large, trumpet-shaped flowers, is a true spectacle to behold. Its bright colors, ranging from fiery reds to delicate whites and pinks, can instantly transform any room into a haven of holiday cheer. To cultivate these majestic blooms in your home, follow these simple steps:

1. Potting and Soil: Select a pot that is slightly larger than the bulb itself. Fill the pot with well-draining potting mix, ensuring the bulb is placed with its pointed end upwards. Fill the pot with soil until about two-thirds of the bulb is covered.

2. Watering and Light: Place your potted amaryllis in a warm, sunny spot within your home. Water the soil thoroughly until it is moist but not soggy. During the blooming stage, increase watering slightly. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to bulb rot.


Paperwhites: Fragrant Delights for the Holidays


White paperwhite narcissus bulb flowers forced in winter


Paperwhites, with their delicate white flowers and sweet, citrusy fragrance, are a delightful addition to any Christmas décor. They are particularly well-suited for arrangements or vases, bringing a touch of elegance and scent to your home. Here’s how to cultivate these fragrant blooms:

1. Arrangement and Watering: Fill a vase with pebbles or marbles to about an inch from the top. Place the paperwhite bulbs on the pebbles, ensuring their pointed ends are facing upwards. Pour water into the vase until it just touches the bottom of the bulbs. Keep the water level consistent to prevent the bulbs from drying out.

2. Light and Temperature: Place your paperwhite arrangement near a sunny window, where it can receive bright, indirect light. Maintain a warm room temperature around 65-70°F to promote healthy growth.


Paperwhite bulbs in glass

Care Tips for Spectacular Blooms

  • Avoid direct sunlight: While amaryllis and paperwhites thrive in bright light, avoid placing them in direct sunlight, which can scorch their delicate leaves.
  • Maintain humidity: Mist the leaves of your amaryllis and paperwhites occasionally to increase humidity and prevent them from drying out.
  • Remove spent blooms: Once the amaryllis flowers have wilted, gently remove them to encourage the plant to focus on producing new bulbs.


Amaryllis flowers at The Florist at Mahoney’s

Gift-Giving Ideas

  • Host Gifts: Amaryllis and paperwhites make thoughtful and appreciated host gifts for the holiday season. Present them in decorative pots or arrangements, accompanied with a ribbon or handwritten note.
  • DIY Arrangements: Create personalized centerpieces or table decorations using amaryllis and paperwhites. Combine them with other festive greenery or flowers for a unique touch.
  • Gift Baskets: Fill gift baskets with amaryllis bulbs, paperwhites, gardening accessories, or seasonal treats for a thoughtful gift.


The Best Time to Start: Early November is the best time to start amaryllis and paperwhite bulbs if you want them to bloom in time for Christmas. This will give them enough time to develop roots and grow strong stems before the holiday season arrives.

Embrace the magic of indoor gardening this holiday season and bring the brilliance of amaryllis and paperwhites into your home. With their vibrant colors, intoxicating fragrances, and ease of care, these remarkable bulbs are sure to transform your Christmas décor into a heartwarming spectacle. Remember to visit Mahoney’s Garden Centers for an exceptional selection of bulbs and enjoy the satisfaction of nurturing these enchanting blooms into magnificent displays of holiday cheer.