Mahoney's Grown magenta pink SunPatiens

SunPatiens: The Versatile Garden Marvel

SunPatiens are a fantastic choice for any garden, offering vibrant blooms and incredible versatility. These hardy plants, a hybrid of traditional impatiens and a wild species, are known for their ability to thrive in various conditions. Whether you have a garden bed basking in full sun or a shady corner that needs brightening, SunPatiens can adapt and flourish, making them a perfect addition to any outdoor space.


SunPatiens were developed as a response to the need for impatiens varieties that could tolerate both full sun and warmer temperatures. Traditional impatiens, popular for their shade tolerance, struggled in sunny, hot conditions. In the early 2000s, breeders successfully crossed traditional impatiens (Impatiens walleriana) with a wild species native to New Guinea (Impatiens hawkeri), resulting in the creation of SunPatiens. These hybrids retained the vibrant flowers and foliage of impatiens while gaining enhanced heat and sun tolerance, making them suitable for a broader range of garden conditions.


We are proud to grow SunPatiens locally in our Woburn greenhouse, ensuring they are well-adapted to the local climate and ready to thrive in your garden. By cultivating them locally, we can offer healthy, vibrant plants that are already acclimated to our region’s weather patterns, further enhancing their resilience. Pairing SunPatiens with ornamental grasses or ferns can add texture and contrast to your garden, while combining them with other flowering plants like petunias or marigolds can create a stunning tapestry of color.


Sunpatiens are one of Uncle Mike's favorite plants to add to your garden.

SunPatiens are one of Uncle Mike Mahoney’s favorite plants to grow in our greenhouses in Woburn, MA!

When caring for SunPatiens, it’s important to consider their watering needs based on their placement. In sunny locations, SunPatiens will require more frequent watering to prevent the soil from drying out, ideally keeping the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. In shaded areas, they need less frequent watering, as the soil retains moisture longer in lower light conditions. Regardless of placement, ensure good drainage to avoid root rot, and consider using mulch to help retain moisture and regulate soil temperature.


Beyond their beauty and resilience, SunPatiens are also beneficial for the garden ecosystem. They attract pollinators such as bees and butterflies, which helps support local biodiversity. Their lush foliage can also provide shelter for small garden creatures. With their low maintenance needs and stunning visual appeal, SunPatiens are a great choice for gardeners of all levels, from beginners to seasoned experts. Whether you’re looking to brighten up a sunny spot, add some color to a shady area, or simply enjoy a low-maintenance yet stunning plant, SunPatiens are a wonderful option.



Apartment Gardening 101: How to Start a Thriving Garden in Your Small Space

If you’re reading this, you’re probably looking to sprinkle a bit of green into your apartment life. Whether you’re nestled in the heart of Boston or perched up in a Cambridge high-rise, your quest for a personal green oasis is about to get real. Let’s roll up our sleeves and turn those small spaces into blooming havens with some savvy gardening hacks.



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Smart Container Choices

First up, let’s talk containers. Your plants’ homes matter just as much as your own. Choose containers that not only complement your living space but also give your green buddies enough room to stretch their roots. From chic terra cotta to practical fabric pots, ensure they have proper drainage to avoid waterlogged roots. A little tip: bigger isn’t always better; some tropical plants tolerate being root-bound for a while, while others need more room to grow to their full potential.


Vertical Gardening: The Sky’s the Limit

When floor space is a luxury, it’s time to think up—literally. Vertical gardening is your best friend in a compact space. Get creative with wall-mounted pots, macrame hangers, and even repurposed shelves. Imagine your kitchen wall sprouting with aromatic herbs like basil, or a cozy corner draped with cascading ivy. It’s not just practical; it’s a living art piece.


Here are some ideas to get you started:


  • Train your vining houseplants upwards with moss pole kits. Plants like Monstera, Pothos, and Hoya will love to climb and establish themselves on these poles. Perfect for both indoor and outdoor spaces, these create lush green columns wherever you place them.


  • Speaking of climbers, check out Mahoney’s selection of climbing and trellised plants. These are perfect for patios or sunny indoor locations and come in a variety of colors and flower types. Try Dipladenia Sundenia (White) or Mandevilla Giant White (Trellis) for a touch of elegance.


  • No space for floor plants? No problem! Mahoney’s offers a wide variety of hanging plants that add texture and interest to overhead areas and corners. These are perfect for creating a lush, green atmosphere, even in tight spaces.



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Picking Plants That Play Nice

Low-maintenance plants are the MVPs of apartment gardening. You want leafy companions like the sturdy snake plant or the ever-forgiving pothos that won’t hold a grudge if you miss a watering session. And for the home chefs, why not grow your own culinary herbs? Rosemary, thyme, and oregano are not just flavorful additions to your meals; they’re also incredibly easy to care for.


Let There Be Light (But Not Too Much)

Plants gotta eat, and light is their favorite menu item. Scout out the brightest spot in your apartment—south-facing windows are gold. But if your place is more ‘cozy cave’ than ‘sunlit sanctuary,’ LED grow lights can save the day. Just remember, plants are like us; they don’t appreciate a sunburn, so find that sweet spot where they can soak up the rays without getting crispy.


Water Wisely

Too much love—in the form of water—can be a bad thing for your plants. Before you reach for that watering can, do the finger test. Dip your digit into the soil; if it’s damp, hold off on the H2O. And feeding your green gang? A balanced fertilizer will keep them happy and thriving, just like a well-rounded diet does for us.


For truly low-maintenance plants on your patio, consider self-watering containers. These are perfect for balconies that can be hot, dry, and windy. They also come in hanging basket options for additional space saving.


Increase drainage and water retention (meaning less watering and healthier roots) for both indoor and outdoor plants with LECA balls. These can also be used as a decorative top layer for a unique desert or Martian-themed aesthetic!


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The Perks of Home-Grown Greens

There’s more to apartment gardening than just pretty leaves. It’s a step towards a greener lifestyle and a nod to Mother Nature. Plants grown on your windowsill or balcony are more than decorations; they’re mini oxygen factories and carbon absorbers. Plus, there’s nothing like the taste of herbs or veggies that you’ve nurtured from seed to plate.


Here are some ideas for a delicious and functional garden:


  • Bring a touch of sunshine indoors with a dwarf Lemon Tree (Ponderosa). Perfect for containers and patios, this tree will reward you with fragrant blooms and delicious citrus fruits.


  • Mahoney’s offers a selection of fresh herbs such as Parsley, Chives, Cilantro and Mint perfect for indoor or patio containers. These are a low-maintenance way to add flavor to your favorite dishes while keeping your home garden fresh.


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Your Gardening Adventure

Start small, dream big. Begin with a couple of plants and watch your confidence grow along with them. Observe, learn, and don’t be afraid to get a little dirt under your nails. Every plant has its quirks, and discovering them is part of the fun. Your apartment garden is more than a collection of plants; it’s a living, breathing extension of your home and a testament to your care.


To all you aspiring green thumbs out there, may your homes be filled with leafy life and your hearts with the joy of gardening. Here’s to the urban jungles we create, one plant at a time!


Choosing the Right Soil and Fertilizers

Soil is the foundation of any garden, and in apartments, it’s no different. Opt for organic potting mixes that provide your plants with the right balance of nutrients. When it comes to fertilizers, slow-release options are your best bet for consistent nourishment without the risk of overfeeding. Give your plants the best foundation to grow with Mahoney’s custom blend of potting soil. Remember, a little goes a long way in a contained environment.


Managing Pests Naturally

Pests can be a challenge, but fear not! Natural remedies like neem oil or insecticidal soap can keep critters at bay without resorting to harsh chemicals. Regularly inspect your plants for signs of pests and take action early to prevent infestations. Instead of relying on companion planting, which thrives outdoors, incorporate wiping down your houseplant leaves with a damp cloth into your routine. This will remove dust and some lingering pests on both the top and underside of the leaves.


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The Psychological Benefits of Apartment Gardening

Surrounding yourself with greenery isn’t just aesthetically pleasing—it’s good for your mind too. Studies show that indoor gardening can reduce stress, improve mood, and even enhance productivity. It’s a form of therapy that rewards you with tranquility and a sense of accomplishment as you watch your garden flourish.


Frequently Asked Questions About Apartment Gardening


Q: How often should I water my indoor plants?

A: It depends on the plant species, but a good rule of thumb is to water when the top inch of soil feels dry. Always check the specific needs of your plants and adjust accordingly.


Q: Can I grow vegetables indoors?

A: Absolutely! Leafy greens like spinach and herbs are great for indoor gardening. With the right conditions, you can even grow tomatoes and peppers. Start with something simple and expand as you gain confidence and experience.


Q: What if my apartment doesn’t get a lot of natural light?

A: Grow lights are a fantastic solution for low-light spaces. They can provide the necessary spectrum of light for photosynthesis, ensuring your plants stay healthy and vibrant.


Simplify plant care with a comprehensive kit that includes everything you need to keep your greenery thriving.


Remember, these are just a starting point! With a little creativity and the right supplies from Mahoney’s Garden, you can transform your apartment into a thriving urban oasis. So get planting, and enjoy the journey!


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Low-Maintenance Blooms: Discover Unique Hydrangea Varieties for Your Falmouth Garden

Did you know that hydrangeas boast a 4,000-year history, gracing gardens with their captivating blooms for millennia? These magnificent shrubs are prized for their vibrant color palette, ranging from classic blues and purples to stunning pinks, reds, and even greens! Their long-lasting blooms add a touch of magic to summer landscapes, creating a show-stopping display that lasts well into fall.


But what if you’re new to gardening, on the go, and with limited time? Fear not! The hydrangea family offers a wealth of unique varieties perfectly suited for busy lifestyles. These low-maintenance marvels require minimal effort to thrive, allowing you to cultivate a stunning summer garden without the hassle.


Unique Hydrangea Varieties in Falmouth

The beauty of hydrangeas lies in their diversity. Several exceptional varieties flourish in the Bay State’s climate, ensuring you’ll find the perfect fit for your garden. Let’s dive into a few unique hydrangea superstars guaranteed to steal the show:


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  • Limelight Hydrangea (Hydrangea paniculata ‘Limelight’): This showstopper boasts enormous conical blooms that transform from lime green to creamy white over the season. Reaching up to 6-8 feet tall and wide, Limelight hydrangeas make a bold statement in any garden.


  • Endless Summer Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla ‘Endless Summer’): As the name suggests, the Endless Summer hydrangea offers a seemingly endless display of blooms. This reblooming variety produces stunning mophead flowers that start a delicate pink and mature to a deeper shade of purple. Reaching 3-5 feet tall and wide, Endless Summer hydrangeas are perfect for adding a touch of elegance to borders or containers.


Bonus Tip: For added visual interest, consider planting companion plants near your hydrangeas. Ferns with their delicate fronds or hostas with their bold foliage create a stunning contrast and complement the hydrangeas’ vibrant blooms.


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Hydrangea Care Tips

Getting your hydrangeas off to a strong start is simple. Choose a location with well-drained soil and provide them with either morning sun and afternoon shade (for mophead varieties) or dappled sunlight throughout the day (for panicle varieties). Dig a hole twice the width of the root ball and amend the soil with compost for optimal drainage and nutrition.


Hydrangeas love consistent moisture, but overwatering is a common mistake. The best way to avoid this is to employ a no-fuss watering approach. Use a moisture meter or simply stick your finger into the soil – if the top inch feels dry, it’s time to water. Deep watering allows the moisture to reach the roots, promoting healthy growth.


While not mandatory for vibrant blooms, a balanced fertilizer applied once or twice a season can give your hydrangeas an extra boost, especially if you are growing your hydrangea in a container. However, don’t feel pressured to follow a strict feeding schedule – your healthy green foliage is the best indicator that your hydrangeas are content.


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Why Choose Locally-Grown Hydrangeas?

By opting for locally grown hydrangeas, you’re not just beautifying your garden; you’re making a positive environmental impact. Choosing local plants reduces your carbon footprint significantly, as they don’t require long-distance transportation. Additionally, you’ll be supporting local nurseries that contribute to the health and vibrancy of our communities.


Here’s a little secret – locally grown hydrangeas are already acclimatized to the Massachusetts climate. This means they’re better equipped to handle the temperature fluctuations, seasonal extremes, and pest pressures found in Massachusetts, allowing them to thrive in your garden.


One of the biggest advantages of purchasing your hydrangeas from a local nursery is the wealth of knowledge and personalized advice you’ll receive from the staff. Our passionate gardening experts understand the specific needs of Massachusetts gardens and can recommend the perfect hydrangea varieties for your unique landscape and sunlight conditions. They can also offer guidance on planting, care, and pest control, ensuring your hydrangeas flourish for years to come.


Hydrangeas offer the perfect combination of captivating beauty and effortless care. With a variety of unique options to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect hydrangea to elevate your Falmouth garden. Remember, opting for locally grown varieties not only benefits your garden but also contributes to a healthier planet and supports our local community.


Ready to unleash summer magic in your backyard? Visit Mahoney’s Garden Center in Falmouth today and explore our wide selection of unique hydrangeas. Our friendly staff is eager to assist you in finding the perfect blooms to transform your garden into a vibrant summer oasis. We also offer a wealth of resources and ongoing support to ensure your hydrangeas thrive for years to come.


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Easy Container Gardening in Brighton

Millennials across the country are embracing the urban gardening movement. The desire for fresh, local produce and a connection to nature is booming, but limited outdoor space in apartments shouldn’t hinder this pursuit. Enter the magic of easy container gardening – a solution perfectly suited for transforming your Brighton balcony or patio into a thriving green haven.

Here at Mahoney’s Garden Center, we’re passionate about empowering apartment dwellers with the tools and knowledge to cultivate their own urban oasis. We’re your one-stop shop for everything container gardening, from premium products to expert guidance.


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The Advantages of Container Gardening

Container gardening offers a multitude of benefits for busy millennials:

  • Imagine stepping outside your apartment to snip fresh herbs for tonight’s dinner or harvesting homegrown cherry tomatoes bursting with flavor. Container gardening allows you to enjoy the taste and health benefits of locally grown produce right at your fingertips.


  • Tired of a dull balcony or patio? Container gardening is your secret weapon to transform your outdoor space. Vibrant flowers, cascading vines, and leafy herbs create a beautiful escape, enhancing your curb appeal and providing a tranquil spot to relax amidst the city buzz.


  • Unlike traditional gardens, container gardening requires minimal space, time, and maintenance. It’s perfect for busy millennials who crave the satisfaction of growing their own food or beautifying their surroundings without a huge commitment.


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Mastering Container Gardening Basics

Ready to get started? Let’s dive into the essentials:

  • The right pot is crucial for plant health. Bigger isn’t always better – choose a pot 1-2 inches wider than your plant’s current container to allow root growth without risking root rot. Drainage holes are essential to prevent waterlogging. Material selection also matters – lightweight plastic is easy to move, while classic terracotta offers breathability.


  • A high-quality potting mix is the foundation for success. Forget garden soil – it’s too dense for containers. Opt for a lightweight, well-draining mix specifically formulated for container gardening. Here at Mahoney’s, we offer a premium blend packed with essential nutrients to nourish your plants.


  • Not all plants are created equal for container success. We recommend easy-to-care-for varieties that thrive in the Massachusetts climate. Herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary are perfect for culinary delights. Vegetables like cherry tomatoes, peppers, and leafy greens are rewarding choices. For an edible pop of color, try petunias, marigolds, or nasturtiums. If you’re looking for specific varieties proven to flourish in our region, visit us at Mahoney’s Garden Center and explore our curated selection.


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Essential Care Tips For Your Container Garden

Now that your containers are planted, here’s how to keep them thriving:

Tip #1. Watering is key, but don’t drown your plants! The frequency depends on the plant variety, pot size, and sun exposure. But here’s an important point for balcony gardeners: wind can dry out your plants quicker. As a general guideline, water plants deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry, allowing excess water to drain freely.


Tip #2: Sunlight is essential for plant growth. However, needs vary. Some herbs like mint thrive in partial shade, while vegetables like tomatoes require full sun exposure. Observe your balcony or patio throughout the day to identify sunny and shady areas. This will help you position your containers for optimal sunlight.


Tip #3: Even the best potting mix depletes nutrients over time. Regularly feeding your container plants with an organic fertilizer formulated for container gardens ensures they have the nourishment they need to flourish. At Mahoney’s Garden Center, we have a variety of fertilizer options to suit your specific plants.


We understand that container gardening success hinges on using the right tools and having access to expert guidance. That’s why we offer:

  • Premium Products: We carry a wide selection of high-quality containers, specially formulated potting mixes, organic fertilizers, and a curated range of plants.


  • Expert Guidance: Our knowledgeable staff is passionate about container gardening and eager to answer your questions. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your balcony or patio’s specific conditions and your desired outcome.


  • Local Connection: We’re committed to supporting local growers and offering regionally adapted plants that thrive in the Massachusetts climate. This ensures your container garden flourishes throughout the season.


Embrace the Easy with Container Gardening

Container gardening empowers you to cultivate a thriving green haven in your Brighton apartment, no matter the size of your outdoor space. With fresh, locally grown produce at your fingertips and a beautiful balcony or patio to unwind in, the rewards are endless. Apartment gardening allows city dwellers with limited space to enjoy the benefits of fresh produce and a beautiful outdoor space. It’s easy to manage, requiring minimal time and effort, perfect for busy millennials. With the right pots, soil, and plants, you can transform your balcony into a thriving urban oasis.

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Salt-Tolerant Plants for a Thriving Coastal Garden

Imagine waking up to the calming sound of waves crashing against the shore and the refreshing scent of salty air filling your lungs. With its stunning coastal location, Falmouth offers a lifestyle many dream of, but this idyllic setting comes with a unique challenge: the harsh effects of salt spray on your beloved garden.

Fear not, fellow coastal dwellers! Salt-tolerant plants are your secret weapon to cultivate a thriving and breathtaking landscape. These resilient beauties not only withstand the salty ocean breeze but often thrive in the sandy soil conditions typical of coastal environments. With these plants, you have a low-maintenance garden that requires less water and thrives where other plants might struggle. 


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What are Salt-Tolerant Plants? 

Traditional plants struggle in coastal environments because salt can build up in their tissues, causing dehydration and stunted growth. Salt-tolerant plants, however, have developed unique adaptations to overcome these challenges. Some have thick, waxy leaves that repel salt spray, while others have specialized glands that secrete excess salt. These adaptations allow them to flourish in the face of coastal adversity. 

For Falmouth residents, salt-tolerant plants offer a multitude of benefits. They are naturally low-maintenance, requiring less frequent watering than their non-salt-tolerant counterparts, which translates into a water-wise and sustainable approach to gardening that is perfect for our coastal community. Additionally, they thrive in sandy soil conditions, eliminating the need for extensive soil amendments.


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Explore a Flourishing Falmouth Garden

Choosing the right plants for your Falmouth oasis doesn’t stop at salt tolerance. Here’s a look at care needs and sun requirements to ensure your coastal garden thrives:

  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): This fragrant herb prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Water moderately during the first year, then only occasionally once established. Prune lightly after flowering to maintain a bushy shape.


  • Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii): A sun-loving butterfly magnet! Plant Buddleja in a location with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Water regularly during the first growing season, then deeply but infrequently thereafter. Deadheading spent flowers encourages continued blooming.


  • Sea Oats (Uniola paniculata): These graceful grasses thrive in full sun and sandy soil with good drainage. Water regularly during the first year, then only during prolonged dry spells. Cut back foliage in late winter to encourage new growth.


  • Blue Fescue (Festuca glauca): A low-maintenance wonder! Blue Fescue prefers full sun but tolerates partial shade. Water occasionally during hot, dry weather. This slow-growing grass requires minimal pruning, but you can remove dead foliage in early spring.


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Bonus Tip: For extended blooms and a healthy garden, consider using a fertilizer formulated for coastal plants. Remember, these recommendations are a general guide. Always research the specific needs of each plant variety before planting.

The beauty of these salt-tolerant plants goes beyond their resilience. They add a unique coastal aesthetic to your Falmouth landscape, creating a harmonious blend with the surrounding environment.


Cultivating a Sustainable Community

Salt-tolerant plants are more than just beautiful additions to your garden; they contribute to a thriving Falmouth community. By using these salt-adapted plants, you reduce water usage, a valuable resource in any coastal region. These plants also attract pollinators like butterflies and bees, promoting a healthy ecosystem.

Additionally, choosing plants from local Falmouth nurseries and growers supports the local economy and contributes to a more sustainable community. A vibrant landscape with thriving salt-tolerant plants beautifies your property and adds to Falmouth’s overall charm, fostering a sense of community pride.


Ready to cultivate your own slice of coastal paradise? Visit our store in East Falmouth! Our friendly staff are experts in salt-tolerant plants and can help you choose the perfect varieties for your unique landscape needs. We offer a wide selection of locally grown flowers, shrubs, and grasses to bring your dream coastal garden to life.


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Unique Floral Arrangements for Mother’s Day in Tewksbury

As we prepare to celebrate the wonderful mothers in our lives, what better way to express our love and appreciation than with thoughtfully curated floral arrangements? Our teams at our Winchester & Tewksbury Florist locations are excited to present creative and personalized gift ideas tailored to your preferences. Whether you’re seeking the perfect bouquet or a custom arrangement, let us inspire and guide you in creating a memorable Mother’s Day experience.


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The Tradition of Mother’s Day Gifting

Mother’s Day holds a special place in our hearts, a day dedicated to honoring and celebrating the remarkable women in our lives. Gifting flowers has been a long-standing tradition, symbolizing love, gratitude, and admiration. Many residents seek out the perfect blooms to express their heartfelt sentiments. At our local florists in Tewksbury, we recognize the significance of this day and strive to offer unique floral arrangements that capture the essence of your relationship with Mom.

Unique Mother’s Day Bouquets

When it comes to selecting the perfect Mother’s Day bouquet, one size certainly does not fit all. That’s why we take pride in showcasing a variety of unique floral arrangements, each carefully designed to suit different tastes and preferences. From elegant roses to vibrant lilies, our selection features locally sourced flowers that exude freshness and beauty. What sets our arrangements apart is the personalized touch we add, whether it’s incorporating Mom’s favorite flowers or arranging them in her preferred style. These personalized touches elevate each gift, making it truly special and meaningful.


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Tips for Choosing the Perfect Floral Arrangement for Mom

Choosing the right floral arrangement for Mom can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. Consider her favorite colors, flowers, and styles when making your selection. Does she prefer classic roses or whimsical wildflowers? Is she drawn to bright and bold hues or soft pastels? By taking these preferences into account, you can ensure that your gift resonates with her and reflects the love and appreciation you feel. Our expert florists are here to assist you every step of the way, guiding you toward the best Mother’s Day bouquets that will bring a smile to Mom’s face on her special day.

Order your Mother’s Day Bouquets Now

As Mother’s Day approaches, let’s take this opportunity to express our love and appreciation for Mom with unique floral arrangements that speak to her heart. At our local florists in Tewksbury, we’re dedicated to helping you find the perfect gift that will make her day truly memorable. Explore our selection of personalized bouquets, and let us help you show Mom just how much she means to you. With our Mother’s Day flower delivery in Tewksbury, you can make her day extra special, no matter where you are. Order now and make this Mother’s Day one she’ll never forget.

Cascading Wonders: A String Symphony of Succulents

Succulents have taken the gardening world by storm, and among the wide variety of these unique plants, hanging succulents are gaining popularity for their cascading beauty. There’s nothing more fun than the tantalizing “string” series of cascading succulents and we’re thrilled to talk about some of our favorites: String of Bananas, String of Dolphins, String of Fish Hooks, and String of Pearls plants. These charming succulents not only add a touch of whimsy to your indoor space but are also relatively easy to care for, making them perfect for both seasoned plant enthusiasts and beginners alike.

String of Bananas (Senecio radicans):

Known for its distinctive trailing vines resembling strings of miniature bananas, the String of Bananas plant belongs to the Senecio genus. Native to South Africa, it’s a succulent that thrives in well-draining soil and bright, indirect sunlight.

Care Tips:
– Water sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out between waterings.
– Place in a location with bright, indirect light.
– Propagate by snipping a healthy vine and planting it in soil.




String of Dolphins (Senecio peregrinus)

A close relative of the String of Bananas, the String of Dolphins plant features leaves that resemble leaping dolphins. This succulent, also a member of the Senecio family, is a hybrid between Senecio articulatus and Senecio rowleyanus.

Care Tips:
– Provide well-draining soil and allow it to dry out between waterings.
– Place in bright, indirect light to maintain its distinctive leaf shape.
– Propagate by taking cuttings and allowing them to root before planting.




String of Fish Hooks (Senecio radicans glauca)

Another charming succulent in the Senecio family, the String of Fish Hooks, is named for its unique hook-shaped leaves. Originating from South Africa, it’s a drought-tolerant plant that thrives in arid conditions.

Care Tips:
– Water sparingly, especially during the dormant winter months.
– Provide well-draining soil and bright, indirect light.
– Propagate by taking stem cuttings and allowing them to root.




String of Pearls (Senecio rowleyanus):

Renowned for its spherical, bead-like leaves, the String of Pearls plant is a member of the Senecio family and hails from South Africa. Its trailing vines make it a perfect candidate for hanging baskets or as a cascading feature in container gardens.

Care Tips:
– Use a well-draining soil mix and water sparingly.
– Place in bright, indirect light, avoiding harsh, direct sunlight.
– Propagate by planting individual pearls or by snipping and planting stem cuttings.





These lovely hanging strings are captivating succulents that bring a touch of the exotic into your living space. With their unique characteristics and relatively low-maintenance care requirements, these hanging succulents are a delightful addition to any plant collection. Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or just starting your green journey, these charming succulents are sure to captivate and add a whimsical touch to your indoor or outdoor oasis. Happy planting!


Blooming Flowers for your Valentine

Cut flowers make a beautiful gift, but if  you’re looking for something that lasts longer, consider flowering houseplants. Cyclamen, orchids, gerber daisies, kalanchoe and more make a fantastic gift. Let us help you choose the best for your special someone!

Winter Birding: The Importance of Food


In Massachusetts, winter is a difficult time for birds. Days are often windy and cold; nights are long and even colder. Lush vegetation has withered or been consumed, and most insects have died or become dormant. During these extremely cold days, finding food can be especially difficult. They cannot forage as easily for food when snow accumulates or temperatures drop to freezing. Some birds remain in the same location year-round and benefit greatly from the extra food sources offered by backyard feeders. These birds require high calorie and oil rich foods to survive our winter.

During spring and summer, most songbirds eat insects and spiders, which are highly nutritious, abundant, and, for the most part, easily captured. During fall and winter, nonmigratory songbirds shift their diets to fruits and seeds to survive. This is the time of year when bird feeding enthusiasts roll out the welcome mat and set the table. The question is, what to serve to attract a diversity of birds? The answer is to provide a variety of food types.

In Massachusetts, we can expect to see the friendly Black-capped Chickadee, Tufted Titmouse, the spectacularly colored Northern Cardinal, all manner of Finch, Sparrows, Woodpeckers and Jays; for a comprehensive list, check out Mass Audubon’s website!


Which seed types should I provide?

Black-oil sunflower seeds attract the greatest number of species. These seeds have a high meat-to-shell ratio, they are nutritious and high in fat which is especially important in the winter months. Their small size and thin shells make them easy for small birds to handle and crack. Several studies, including the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Seed Preference Test, show that this high-energy food is the favorite of most birds that visit feeders. Striped sunflower seeds are popular with larger-beaked birds. These striped seeds are larger and have a thicker seed coat than black-oil sunflower.

Peanuts, and tree nuts like almonds, cashews, pecans and pistachios are enjoyed by Jays, Woodpeckers, Chickadees, Nuthatches, Carolina Wrens and Titmice. If you don’t want squirrels “going nuts” for these foods, try using a squirrel-resistant feeder.

Millet is a small round seed. It comes in white and red varieties; most birds prefer white proso millet over red. Nyjer®, or thistle seed, is a delicacy for small Finches such as Goldfinches, Siskins, and Redpolls. Offering the small-sized, premium-priced Nyjer seeds in special Nyjer feeders will provide more value for your money. These feeders come in either a sock form with a small mesh fabric, or a tube feeder with tiny ports that prevent the seeds from spilling out. Finches will pull the seeds individually through the mesh or ports to enjoy them.

Birds’ feeding habits vary based on weather patterns and season. The best thing to do is experiment with seed and your backyard feeders. Take notes and photos for a personal sense of well-being and a great activity to do with kids!

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We love Lyric Bird Seed because of their superior ingredients that ensure our New England birds have their essential nutrients to thrive- especially in the winter months. A superior seed means you will attract the widest variety of birds around! All birding products are available in our Winchester, Falmouth, Tewksbury and Concord stores.


Mahoney’s Evergreens: Cultivating Sustainable Traditions in Nova Scotia’s Christmas Tree Forests

As the holiday season approaches, many families are eager to embark on the cherished tradition of selecting the perfect Christmas tree. At Mahoney’s Evergreens in Nova Scotia, this tradition is not only festive but also deeply rooted in sustainability. Join us as we explore the story behind Mahoney’s Evergreens and understand why our Christmas tree forests honor our commitment to eco-friendly practices.

The Roots of Mahoney’s Evergreens:

 Nestled in the picturesque landscapes of Nova Scotia, Mahoney’s Evergreens has been cultivating Christmas trees for generations. What sets Mahoney’s apart is our unwavering dedication to sustainable forestry practices. The story begins with our family’s deep connection to the land, understanding the delicate balance between providing holiday joy and preserving the environment.

Sustainable Farming Practices:

Mahoney’s Evergreens embraces sustainable farming practices to ensure the longevity of our Christmas tree forests. Instead of clear-cutting of rows and rows of trees, , we employ selective harvesting methods. This approach allows the remaining trees to thrive, preserving the natural habitat for local wildlife and promoting overall forest health. 

Many would be surprised to find that the layout of the plantation is actually not orderly rows of easily-farmed trees. Instead, we grow in an undeveloped and wild forest ecosystem, where all trees are naturally re-seeded. The terrain is full of swamps, hills, and thick forests with pockets of prime tree growing space. Throughout the plantation there are 12 to 30 foot tall “Mother” or “seed trees” that are strategically left standing to produce seed cones. The seed cones are pollinated by the wind randomly over the plantation. So, even though 12,000 trees a year are harvested, we only cut what we need, and we don’t deplete the land as far more seedlings sprout up on their own each year. At any given time we have over 1 million trees and seedlings actively growing.


Carbon Sequestration:

One of the significant environmental benefits of Mahoney’s Christmas tree farms is our contribution to carbon sequestration. Christmas trees absorb carbon dioxide during their growth, mitigating the impact of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. By choosing a Mahoney’s Evergreens tree, customers play a role in supporting a carbon-neutral holiday tradition.


Looking Ahead:

Peter Mahoney and his children Shannon and Brett some of our key Mahoney’s Evergreens team members: Brian, Natalya and Jamie

As Mahoney’s Evergreens continues to grow and evolve, our commitment to sustainability remains unwavering. The legacy of responsible Christmas tree farming is passed down from generation to generation, ensuring that future holiday seasons are marked by joy, tradition, and a deep respect for the environment. 

Mahoney’s Evergreens stands as a beacon of sustainable Christmas tree farming, demonstrating that holiday traditions can coexist harmoniously with environmental responsibility. By choosing a tree from Mahoney’s, families not only bring warmth and joy into their homes but also contribute to the preservation of our planet for generations to come.