Mahoney's Garden Center-New England-Massachussets-Container Gardening in Brighton-overflowing flower pots

Easy Container Gardening in Brighton

Millennials across the country are embracing the urban gardening movement. The desire for fresh, local produce and a connection to nature is booming, but limited outdoor space in apartments shouldn’t hinder this pursuit. Enter the magic of easy container gardening – a solution perfectly suited for transforming your Brighton balcony or patio into a thriving green haven.

Here at Mahoney’s Garden Center, we’re passionate about empowering apartment dwellers with the tools and knowledge to cultivate their own urban oasis. We’re your one-stop shop for everything container gardening, from premium products to expert guidance.


Mahoney's Garden Center-New England-Massachussets-Container Gardening in Brighton-patio with container flowers and herbs

The Advantages of Container Gardening

Container gardening offers a multitude of benefits for busy millennials:

  • Imagine stepping outside your apartment to snip fresh herbs for tonight’s dinner or harvesting homegrown cherry tomatoes bursting with flavor. Container gardening allows you to enjoy the taste and health benefits of locally grown produce right at your fingertips.


  • Tired of a dull balcony or patio? Container gardening is your secret weapon to transform your outdoor space. Vibrant flowers, cascading vines, and leafy herbs create a beautiful escape, enhancing your curb appeal and providing a tranquil spot to relax amidst the city buzz.


  • Unlike traditional gardens, container gardening requires minimal space, time, and maintenance. It’s perfect for busy millennials who crave the satisfaction of growing their own food or beautifying their surroundings without a huge commitment.


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Mastering Container Gardening Basics

Ready to get started? Let’s dive into the essentials:

  • The right pot is crucial for plant health. Bigger isn’t always better – choose a pot 1-2 inches wider than your plant’s current container to allow root growth without risking root rot. Drainage holes are essential to prevent waterlogging. Material selection also matters – lightweight plastic is easy to move, while classic terracotta offers breathability.


  • A high-quality potting mix is the foundation for success. Forget garden soil – it’s too dense for containers. Opt for a lightweight, well-draining mix specifically formulated for container gardening. Here at Mahoney’s, we offer a premium blend packed with essential nutrients to nourish your plants.


  • Not all plants are created equal for container success. We recommend easy-to-care-for varieties that thrive in the Massachusetts climate. Herbs like basil, mint, and rosemary are perfect for culinary delights. Vegetables like cherry tomatoes, peppers, and leafy greens are rewarding choices. For an edible pop of color, try petunias, marigolds, or nasturtiums. If you’re looking for specific varieties proven to flourish in our region, visit us at Mahoney’s Garden Center and explore our curated selection.


Mahoney's Garden Center-New England-Massachussets-Container Gardening in Brighton-herbs in terracotta pots

Essential Care Tips For Your Container Garden

Now that your containers are planted, here’s how to keep them thriving:

Tip #1. Watering is key, but don’t drown your plants! The frequency depends on the plant variety, pot size, and sun exposure. But here’s an important point for balcony gardeners: wind can dry out your plants quicker. As a general guideline, water plants deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry, allowing excess water to drain freely.


Tip #2: Sunlight is essential for plant growth. However, needs vary. Some herbs like mint thrive in partial shade, while vegetables like tomatoes require full sun exposure. Observe your balcony or patio throughout the day to identify sunny and shady areas. This will help you position your containers for optimal sunlight.


Tip #3: Even the best potting mix depletes nutrients over time. Regularly feeding your container plants with an organic fertilizer formulated for container gardens ensures they have the nourishment they need to flourish. At Mahoney’s Garden Center, we have a variety of fertilizer options to suit your specific plants.


We understand that container gardening success hinges on using the right tools and having access to expert guidance. That’s why we offer:

  • Premium Products: We carry a wide selection of high-quality containers, specially formulated potting mixes, organic fertilizers, and a curated range of plants.


  • Expert Guidance: Our knowledgeable staff is passionate about container gardening and eager to answer your questions. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your balcony or patio’s specific conditions and your desired outcome.


  • Local Connection: We’re committed to supporting local growers and offering regionally adapted plants that thrive in the Massachusetts climate. This ensures your container garden flourishes throughout the season.


Embrace the Easy with Container Gardening

Container gardening empowers you to cultivate a thriving green haven in your Brighton apartment, no matter the size of your outdoor space. With fresh, locally grown produce at your fingertips and a beautiful balcony or patio to unwind in, the rewards are endless. Apartment gardening allows city dwellers with limited space to enjoy the benefits of fresh produce and a beautiful outdoor space. It’s easy to manage, requiring minimal time and effort, perfect for busy millennials. With the right pots, soil, and plants, you can transform your balcony into a thriving urban oasis.

Mahoney's Garden Center-New England-Massachussets-Salt-Tolerant Plants-coastal garden

Salt-Tolerant Plants for a Thriving Coastal Garden

Imagine waking up to the calming sound of waves crashing against the shore and the refreshing scent of salty air filling your lungs. With its stunning coastal location, Falmouth offers a lifestyle many dream of, but this idyllic setting comes with a unique challenge: the harsh effects of salt spray on your beloved garden.

Fear not, fellow coastal dwellers! Salt-tolerant plants are your secret weapon to cultivate a thriving and breathtaking landscape. These resilient beauties not only withstand the salty ocean breeze but often thrive in the sandy soil conditions typical of coastal environments. With these plants, you have a low-maintenance garden that requires less water and thrives where other plants might struggle. 


Mahoney's Garden Center-New England-Massachussets-Salt-Tolerant Plants-sea oats-blue fescue

What are Salt-Tolerant Plants? 

Traditional plants struggle in coastal environments because salt can build up in their tissues, causing dehydration and stunted growth. Salt-tolerant plants, however, have developed unique adaptations to overcome these challenges. Some have thick, waxy leaves that repel salt spray, while others have specialized glands that secrete excess salt. These adaptations allow them to flourish in the face of coastal adversity. 

For Falmouth residents, salt-tolerant plants offer a multitude of benefits. They are naturally low-maintenance, requiring less frequent watering than their non-salt-tolerant counterparts, which translates into a water-wise and sustainable approach to gardening that is perfect for our coastal community. Additionally, they thrive in sandy soil conditions, eliminating the need for extensive soil amendments.


Mahoney's Garden Center-New England-Massachussets-Salt-Tolerant Plants-butterfly on butterfly bush

Explore a Flourishing Falmouth Garden

Choosing the right plants for your Falmouth oasis doesn’t stop at salt tolerance. Here’s a look at care needs and sun requirements to ensure your coastal garden thrives:

  • Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): This fragrant herb prefers full sun and well-drained soil. Water moderately during the first year, then only occasionally once established. Prune lightly after flowering to maintain a bushy shape.


  • Butterfly Bush (Buddleja davidii): A sun-loving butterfly magnet! Plant Buddleja in a location with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. Water regularly during the first growing season, then deeply but infrequently thereafter. Deadheading spent flowers encourages continued blooming.


  • Sea Oats (Uniola paniculata): These graceful grasses thrive in full sun and sandy soil with good drainage. Water regularly during the first year, then only during prolonged dry spells. Cut back foliage in late winter to encourage new growth.


  • Blue Fescue (Festuca glauca): A low-maintenance wonder! Blue Fescue prefers full sun but tolerates partial shade. Water occasionally during hot, dry weather. This slow-growing grass requires minimal pruning, but you can remove dead foliage in early spring.


Mahoney's Garden Center-New England-Massachussets-Salt-Tolerant Plants-rosemary in flower


Bonus Tip: For extended blooms and a healthy garden, consider using a fertilizer formulated for coastal plants. Remember, these recommendations are a general guide. Always research the specific needs of each plant variety before planting.

The beauty of these salt-tolerant plants goes beyond their resilience. They add a unique coastal aesthetic to your Falmouth landscape, creating a harmonious blend with the surrounding environment.


Cultivating a Sustainable Community

Salt-tolerant plants are more than just beautiful additions to your garden; they contribute to a thriving Falmouth community. By using these salt-adapted plants, you reduce water usage, a valuable resource in any coastal region. These plants also attract pollinators like butterflies and bees, promoting a healthy ecosystem.

Additionally, choosing plants from local Falmouth nurseries and growers supports the local economy and contributes to a more sustainable community. A vibrant landscape with thriving salt-tolerant plants beautifies your property and adds to Falmouth’s overall charm, fostering a sense of community pride.


Ready to cultivate your own slice of coastal paradise? Visit our store in East Falmouth! Our friendly staff are experts in salt-tolerant plants and can help you choose the perfect varieties for your unique landscape needs. We offer a wide selection of locally grown flowers, shrubs, and grasses to bring your dream coastal garden to life.


Pruning Roses with Jeanette

When the forsythia blooms, it’s time to prune your roses! Our very own rose expert, Jeanette, loves roses and loves to show what she knows about them. Join us as Jeanette takes us step by step through her guide to pruning roses in early Spring. Note: the roses featured are Hybrid Tea roses that will benefit from a prophylactic dose of fungicide or neem oil after pruning. Other varieties are such as Knock Out Roses or David Austin are less susceptible to such issues and you can skip that step with those!

Embracing the Wild: The Case for Leaving Perennials Untouched This Fall

A dilemma arises as we reach the fall season and wonder how best to prep our gardens for next spring: to cut or not to cut back our beloved perennials? Well, today, we’re here to make a case for letting nature take its course and leaving those garden stalwarts standing tall. 

There’s a prevailing notion that a well-kept garden requires a meticulous fall cleanup, but we’d like to offer an alternative. Letting your perennials stand proud through the winter not only offers a unique aesthetic appeal but also nurtures the ecosystem in ways we might not have considered. 


A Buffet for Our Feathered Friends

By resisting the urge to trim back your perennials in the fall, you’re essentially setting up a bird-friendly buffet. Seed heads left on plants become a vital food source for our feathered friends during the colder months. Imagine the delight of watching a vibrant array of birds flocking to your garden for a snack! By leaving nature’s pantry intact, you’re contributing to the well-being of local bird populations. 



Mother Nature’s Insulation

When fall arrives, it’s tempting to tidy up the garden and clear away the remnants of summer growth. However, we encourage you to consider a new practice: leave the leaves. Leaving plant matter on the ground serves a crucial purpose – natural insulation. The fallen leaves and stems create a protective layer that shields the soil from harsh winter conditions. This insulation helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and promotes a healthier, more resilient garden come spring. It also provides an important winter home for our native pollinators, keep reading to learn more! 


An Insect Haven

In the tangle of stems and seed heads lies a sanctuary for insects. Many beneficial insects, including native butterflies and bees, use the leftover plant material as shelter. This not only provides them with a cozy home during the winter but also ensures their presence when spring rolls around. It’s a win-win situation – a thriving insect population to improve your garden, all while supporting the delicate balance of the local ecosystem. Native pollinators use this protective covering until it warms up in New England, so to encourage native pollinator populations to thrive, it’s best to leave the leaves until we’re past the last frost date.  


But, we all have different aesthetic desires! If you’re choosing to go eco-friendly this year and have your perennials let their hair down, there is only one exception in which you’ll need to break out the pruners and give them a haircut, and that’s to rid them of any diseased, damaged, or dead bits and bobs.  Clean those up and make sure to dispose of the cuttings to keep your newly insulated soil and plants healthy and disease-free! 


A Note on Pruning

When it comes to pruning, precision is key. Use high-quality pruners like Felco or Corona and make sure they are clean and sharp to make clean cuts, preventing unnecessary stress on the plants. If you do want to cut back your perennials to achieve that clean winter style, here’s a quick how-to: 

Woody Perennials:

For woody perennials, the key is not to cut too close to the groundYou’ll want to trim off any tender stem, but no further down than that! 

Tender Perennials: 

For tender perennials, it’s all about listening to the plant, you can cut as low as you desire, but you just want to make sure you stop right above any new growth! Most perennials, however, can be cut almost all the way down to the ground.


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We understand the concern. If you opt not to cut back your perennials in the fall, you might wonder about the impending spring chaos. Fear not! While you may not be doing the bulk of the pruning in the fall, a little tidying up in the spring will do wonders. Remove any dead or damaged growth, and your garden will quickly bounce back, rejuvenated, and ready for the growing season. 


Resist the temptation to shear your perennials into neat little bundles this fall. Embrace the beauty of nature’s chaos, and in doing so, you’ll be fostering a healthier ecosystem. From supplying nourishment for birds to creating cozy homes for beneficial insects, and even acting as a protective blanket for the soil – leaving your perennials untouched is a gift to both your garden and the environment. 


So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and enjoy the untamed beauty of your fall garden. Your perennials will thank you, and so will the birds and insects that call your garden home. Happy gardening!




Summer Bloomers

There are many ways to keep color in the garden even after the glorious days and exuberant flowering display of June. Like late-blooming teenagers, there are plants that come into their own after others have made their statement. They extend the joy of being in the garden into July, August and September, offering color and texture. And many late season bloomers are also magnets for pollinators such as butterflies and bees. Here are some perennials and shrubs that are worthy garden contributors later in the season.



Anemone hupehensis (Wandflower): The flowers of this perennial are suspended well above a tidy mound of rich green foliage. They wave in the wind and when backlit by the sun, make a beautiful scene. ‘September Charm’ has rose-pink flowers with yellow centers. ‘Honorine Jobert’ has ethereal white flowers.

Aster divaricatus (Wood Aster): The delicate, airy clouds of wood aster begin to bloom in late summer. Small, daisy-like flowers with yellow to red centers are carried above dark green to black stems. It grows 1.5-2.5’ tall in filtered to full shade. It is available in white, pink or purple varieties. Native to the open woods of the eastern United States, it is attractive to butterflies.

Aster novae-angliae (New England Aster): The rich colors of this aster range from blue-purple to lavender-pink, with yellow-orange centers. The blooms are large and showy. They provide a critical fall nectar source for pollinators, especially Monarch butterflies as they stock up for their fall migration to Mexico.

Ceratostigma plumbaginoides (Blue Plumbago): This is a beautiful spreading, low-growing groundcover that reaches just 8-12” in height. What a treat when deep blue flowers appear in late summer! And as fall approaches, its shiny green foliage turns a beautiful bronze-red color.

^^ Coreopsis grandiflora (Large Flowered Tickseed): Count on any of the Coreopsis varieties to provide warm yellow tones to the garden. There are many varieties available, all offering daisy-like flowers. They are deer resistant and attractive to pollinators. They offer a long period of bloom, beginning in midsummer and extending into the fall.

Coreopsis verticillata (Thread Leaf Coreopsis): This type of coreopsis has delicate leaves and stems and bears loads of flowers. Many varieties are available. ‘Moonbeam’ has flowers the color of chilled butter. ‘Mercury Rising’ has velvety red flowers with a bright yellow center.

^^ Echinacea (Coneflower): One of the most iconic plants in a late summer New England garden is the purple coneflower with its showy 5” daisy-like pink flowers. It blooms throughout summer on upright stems and typically grows 2-4′ tall. If left standing into the winter, the cones in the center of the flowers will be a food source for birds. Plant breeders now offer us additional color and size choices like yellow and white.

Eupatorium (Joe Pye Weed): Native to the eastern United States, this plant makes a statement in the garden. Its reddish purple flowers form large, showy heads on 5-6 foot, wine-colored stems. Flowering begins in late August, but the stems and buds are ornamental well before then. Butterflies love it.

^^ Geranium ‘Rozanne’: This hardy geranium was named Perennial Plant of the Year in 2008 – and for good reason. It is one of the longest blooming perennials. It has violet-blue flowers with a white eye that begin blooming in early June and continue without deadheading until the end of October. The foliage turns a lovely shade of bronze-red in the fall. Growing 18” tall and 2’-3’ wide, it provides color, texture and mass to a garden bed or foundation planting.

^^ Hemerocallis (Daylilly): There is nothing easier to grow than a daylily. It comes back faithfully every year with gently arching long blades of foliage. In July and August its flowers stand proudly above the foliage. And those flowers are available in a range of colors – yellow, peach, pink, red – with a central eye of contrasting color. There are single flowers, double flowers, and even some flowers whose petals have ruffled edges. A mature clump is a handsome sight.

^^ Heuchera and Heucherella: These plants are wonderful colorful additions to a shady area. While they have tiny bell-shaped flowers on wand-like stems, they are more often grown for the season-long color of their leaves. They come in varieties with unusual foliage colors ranging from yellow to caramel to raspberry red to purple and almost black. They are clump forming plants that thrive in partly sunny to shady situations. They enjoy soil that is rich in organic matter.

^^ Monarda (Beebalm): Monarda is a long-time favorite in the perennial border. Plant breeders have introduced many new varieties that offer new colors, sizes and improved mildew resistance. Plants have sturdy stems and with time will create a nice mass in the perennial border. Showy flowers are complex in their structure and attract all manner of pollinators. And did we mention it is deer resistant?

^^ Ornamental Grasses: This large family of beautiful perennial plants adds texture, color and movement to the garden. They also provide interest in the fall and winter landscape, especially when backlit by morning or afternoon sun. When the flowers of summer are only a memory, you’ll find delight looking out on frosted ornamental grass spikes in the early light of a cold winter’s day. Cut back to the ground in early spring.

^^Perovskia atriplicifolia (Russian Sage): This is a lovely shrubby, aromatic perennial with finely dissected silver-green leaves. Interestingly, the plant’s stems are square. It becomes even more interesting in late summer through autumn when tubular pale blue flowers open. When planted in full sun its stems have a nice, upright posture and grow to a height of 3-4’. New varieties are available that have a more compact habit, growing to 2’ in height. Cut the plant back almost to the ground in late winter or very early spring. The whole effect is of a delicate, airy plant that complements everything around it. Perovskia atriplicifolia was named Perennial Plant of the Year in 1995.

^^ Phlox paniculata (Garden Phlox): This upright perennial is a classic in the perennial border. It grows in a clump 2-4’ tall and 2’ wide. Its pointed green leaves are held on sturdy, upright stems. But the reason it is so beloved has to do with its fragrant, densely packed, tiered flower clusters that hold court from July into September. A large number of varieties are available in colors including, white, lavender, pink and red, and today’s varieties are resistant to powdery mildew which troubled older varieties. ‘David’ is a beautiful white variety which glows in the evening light. ‘Bright Eyes’ has lovely pink flowers with a ruby colored center. While you are enjoying the flowers, don’t be surprised to see the butterflies and even hummingbirds doing so as well!

^^ Physostegia virginiana (Obedient Plant): You may be familiar with the lavender flowers of Physostegia virginiana. While it may have a tendency to grow beyond its bounds, ‘Miss Manners’ forms a clump of well-behaved deep green foliage topped with fresh white flowers. It grows to a height of 18-24” and a similar spread. It adds a crisp and refreshing late-season element to the perennial border.

^^ Rudbeckia fulgida (Black Eyed Susan): One of the most frequently planted Rudbeckia is a variety called ‘Goldsturm’. It has showy dark golden-yellow flowers with black centers, and bloooms from July into mid-October. Growing 24” tall, it tolerates a wide range of conditions and if happy, will multiply readily. It was named Perennial Plant of the Year in 1999. It happens to be a favorite of goldfinches who love its seeds.

Rudbeckia nitida ‘Herbstsonne’: This is a taller growing Rudbeckia that looks fabulous at the back of the perennial border. Slender branching stems hold bright green, toothed leaves. It has bright yellow daisylike flower petals that bend down from a large green cone. Despite its height of 4-6’, it needs no staking. If left to stand for the winter, it is a good food source for birds.

^^ Sedum (Stonecrop): Whether in groundcover form or taller upright versions, every garden should have some Sedum. Perhaps most familiar is the 24” tall ‘Autumn Joy’ with its blue-green foliage and large heads of delicate bright-pink flowers that age into a beautiful copper color as fall approaches. Similar varieties include ‘Brilliant’ which has hot pink flowers, and ‘Autumn Fire’ whose flowers deepen to bronze-red. These easy and reliable plants pair well with ornamental grasses, asters and many other perennials. Also of great use in the landscape are low growing sedums which can serve as decorative ground covers, and fill crevices in rock walls or spaces between stones in a pathway. Their leaves come in a variety of colors and shapes, and their flowers are often vivid tones of yellow, pink or red.


^^ Buddleia (Butterfly Bush): The colorful and fragrant flowers attract flocks of butterflies and hummingbirds. But fortunately, not deer! Arching branches bear long panicles of sweet smelling flowers in late summer. Pink, white, or purple flowered varieties are available. Whether you choose a variety that will grow 5 or more feet tall, or a more compact variety, these shrubs should be pruned back hard in spring.

Caryopteris (Bluebeard or Blue Mist): This small shrub is adored by butterflies, bees and other beneficial insects. The entire plant will quiver with their activity! The feathery blue flower clusters cover the plant in late summer and into the fall. Its silvery grey foliage is pleasantly aromatic when brushed by your hand. It should be hard pruned in early spring in order to encourage strong new growth. It will easily grow 2-3’ high in a season.

Clethra alnifolia (Summersweet): One of our native shrubs, Clethra is prized for its fragrant late summer flowers (hence its common name, Summersweet) and glossy green foliage which turns a beautiful yellow in the fall. A magnet for butterflies, it grows in full sun or part shade and will tolerate a damp site. ‘Ruby Spice’ grows 4-6’ in height and has deep reddish-pink flowers. ‘Hummingbird’ has a more dwarf, mounded habit. It grows to 3’ in height and bears white flowers.

Hibiscus syriacus (Rose of Sharon): It is hard to resist the brightly colored, exotic looking flowers of this hardy, deer resistant shrub. Flowers can be single or double and come in white, pink or blue-purple colors. Most varieties grow 8-10’ tall and 6’ wide, but can be pruned in early spring to control size and shape. Some varieties are also available in tree form.

^^ Hydrangea: No garden is complete without Hydrangea. Whether you choose Hydrangea macrophylla with its beautiful blue mop head flowers or its lace cap varieties; Hydrangea paniculata with its color changing cone-shaped flowers; Hydrangea arborescens with its shade-loving white mop head flowers; or Hydrangea serrata whose classic lace cap flowers have showy sterile florets forming an outer ring around the center of tiny fertile florets, you will be grateful for their presence in your garden.

Hypericum (St. John’s Wort): Another deer resistant shrub, Hypericum is a mounding shrub with bluegreen foliage. Growing to 3’ in height and spread, it has bright, golden yellow flowers in midsummer that are loved by butterflies. Flowers are followed by rich red berries that are often used in autumn floral arrangements. It grows in full sun to part shade.

Itea (Sweetspire): This is a lovely deer resistant native shrub that produces loads of long, white flowers that remain attractive through late summer. It is a compact, rounded shrub with gently arching branches. Its bright green leaves have wonderful fall color, turning shades of orange and red. ‘Henry’s Garnet’ grows 4’ tall while ‘Little Henry’ grows just 3’ tall.