National Pollinator Week 2023

June 19th – 26th

The history of National Pollinator Week, although short, is nonetheless notable. In 1997 an organization called the Pollinator Partnership was formed to increase awareness of the importance of pollinator health. In 2006 their efforts led to a resolution by the US Senate creating National Pollinator Week. The resolution stated the importance of pollinators to our food system, the economy and the overall health of the American population. From those beginnings, many national and international initiatives have taken hold, dedicated to the protection of pollinators.  

The intricate dynamics of pollination began to evolve over 140 million years ago. Since the seventeenth century, scientists in such disciplines as botany, horticulture, entomology and ecology have contributed to our understanding of the importance of biodiversity, which can only be created with a healthy pollinator ecosystem. Their work points to the need for us to make conscious decisions that will nourish, provide habitat, and protect the creatures who provide these essential pollinator services. 

National Pollinator Week is all about celebrating and protecting the diversity of ecosystems that give us a beautiful and plentiful green world. Consider that  

  • 90% of the world’s flowering plant species depend on animal pollination (bees, birds, butterflies, bats, beetles, ants, moths, wasps, even flies) 
  • 75% of the world’s food crops depend on pollination 


We can all contribute to the health of pollinators by creating more pollinator friendly habitats in our backyards and in our communities.  

For further information about creating a pollinator friendly garden read our article on pollinator basics!