Fall Planting Made Easy: Double the Blooms with Lasagna Gardening!

As the intense summer heat fades, there’s a refreshing shift in the air—it’s time to start thinking about fall planting! Cooler temperatures and the crispness of autumn offer the perfect opportunity to refresh your garden. And here’s the best part: with a simple and clever technique called Lasagna Gardening, you can plant for two seasons in one go. Imagine enjoying vibrant fall blooms now and seeing your garden burst into color again next spring—without having to replant. It’s a win-win!


tulips at mahoney's garden center in winchester, ma



What is Lasagna Gardening?

Lasagna Gardening isn’t just a catchy name—it’s an easy planting method that layers your garden with flowers for different seasons, all in the same spot. Just like layering lasagna in a baking dish, you stack your plants by planting spring bulbs first, then topping them off with fall flowers. The result? A beautiful garden that will bloom twice: once during the fall season and again in spring when your bulbs push through.

This method is perfect for anyone who wants to make the most of their garden space and enjoy continuous color throughout the changing seasons.


Three Simple Steps for a Gorgeous Garden from Fall to Spring

Follow these easy steps to make sure your garden is thriving both now and when spring arrives:

  1. Clear Out Summer Annuals

As the summer garden starts to wind down, it’s time to remove any faded or spent annuals. These summer plants have likely given their all during the heat, and clearing them out opens up room for your new fall and spring plantings. By tidying up, you’ll create a clean slate for your next project, making sure your fall flowers have plenty of space to take root and bloom.

  1. Plant Spring-Blooming Bulbs

Now for the foundation of your Lasagna Garden—plant spring bulbs like tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, and crocuses. These bulbs thrive in cooler soil and need the cold winter months to prepare for their spectacular spring display. The key is to plant them at the correct depth (usually around 6-8 inches for most bulbs), ensuring they’ll have time to settle in over winter and be ready to bloom as soon as the ground warms in spring. After you plant, cover them with soil, but don’t stop there—there’s one more step to complete your layered masterpiece!

Layering bulbs, also known as “bulb lasagna,” takes the concept of Lasagna Gardening a step further by stacking bulbs that bloom at different times, creating a continuous wave of color throughout the spring. By planting early-blooming bulbs like crocuses at the top, followed by mid-season tulips, and then late-blooming daffodils at the deepest layer, you can enjoy a succession of flowers without having to replant. This method not only maximizes your garden’s impact but also ensures your flower beds stay vibrant and full for an extended period. It’s a beautiful and efficient way to make the most of your garden!

Check out a sample of our bulb selection here.

  1. Add Fall Flowers on Top

Here’s where Lasagna Gardening truly shines. Instead of leaving your freshly planted bulbs covered with just dirt, top the soil with fall-blooming plants like pansies or mums. These cool-weather flowers thrive in autumn’s crisp air and will give your garden a beautiful pop of color that lasts well into the fall season. As winter approaches, your fall flowers will naturally finish their life cycle, leaving space for your bulbs to push through the soil when spring comes around.

The combination of spring bulbs below and fall flowers on top means you’re setting up your garden for a stunning show, twice!


mums on a cart at mahoney's garden center in winchester, ma




Why Choose Lasagna Gardening?

There are plenty of reasons to give Lasagna Gardening a try, especially if you’re looking for a low-maintenance way to enjoy your garden through multiple seasons:

  • Maximized garden space: Instead of planting separately for fall and spring, you can use the same garden bed to cover both seasons. This saves time and energy while also making the most of your space.
  • Continuous color: Fall doesn’t have to mean the end of your garden’s beauty. With this method, you’ll enjoy vibrant fall flowers and can look forward to a gorgeous spring display.
  • Easy maintenance: By layering your plantings, you’re taking care of two seasons in one go. It’s efficient and ensures your garden will always have something beautiful to offer, with less effort required throughout the year.
  • Great for all gardeners: Whether you’re a gardening pro or just getting started, Lasagna Gardening is a foolproof technique. It doesn’t require any special tools or advanced knowledge, making it perfect for gardeners at any level.


hand holding tulip bulb at mahoney's garden centers


What Should You Plant?

Here’s a quick list of plant recommendations to get the most out of your Lasagna Garden:

  • Spring-blooming bulbs: Daffodils, tulips, crocuses, hyacinths, alliums, and snowdrops.
  • Fall-blooming flowers: Pansies, mums, asters, and violas.

Mixing different colors, heights, and varieties will add depth and dimension to your garden. Plus, it’s always exciting to experiment with different combinations to see what works best in your space.


foot on bulb planter in new england


Tips for Success
  • Timing is key: Plant your bulbs in early to mid-fall when the soil is still workable, but before the ground freezes. This gives your bulbs enough time to establish roots before winter sets in.
  • Water thoroughly: After planting, water your garden beds to help settle the soil around your bulbs and fall flowers. This encourages strong root development.
  • Mulch for protection: If you live in a colder region, consider adding a layer of mulch over your garden beds to protect your bulbs from extreme winter temperatures.

If you need some advice on how to get started on planting bulbs, check out our blog post that’ll guide you from picking out the best bulbs for you to getting them in the ground.

With Lasagna Gardening, you can enjoy twice the garden beauty with just one planting effort. It’s a fantastic way to maximize your gardening experience, creating a stunning fall show and setting the stage for a breathtaking spring bloom. So why wait? Dig in and start layering your garden today—you’ll be rewarded with a colorful garden that lasts through two seasons!


Plant once, enjoy twice! Stack your spring bulbs and fall flowers to enjoy a garden that blooms now and again when the snow melts.