Image of fall

Fall Planting: The Secret to a Thriving Spring Garden

As the temperatures cool and the leaves start to change, many gardeners think it’s time to wind down, but fall is actually one of the best seasons to plant and prepare your garden for the future. Whether you’re thinking about trees, shrubs, perennials, herbs, veggies,  or even annuals, the benefits of fall planting are numerous and can set your garden up for success come spring. Let’s dig into why autumn should be your new favorite planting season!



  1. Cooler Temperatures Make for Happy Plants (and Gardeners!)

One of the biggest perks of fall planting is the cooler weather. Unlike the scorching heat of summer, fall offers mild temperatures, which are easier on both new plants and gardeners. Plants aren’t as stressed by the heat and don’t need as much water to thrive. You’ll also find gardening a lot more enjoyable when you’re not battling sweltering sun and humidity! 


  1. Perfect Time for Root Growth

During fall, plants focus their energy on growing strong, healthy roots instead of producing flowers and foliage. This is especially true for trees, shrubs, and perennials. The cooler soil encourages root growth, allowing plants to establish themselves before the ground freezes. Come spring, they’ll be ready to burst into life with a solid root system to support them! 


  1. Fewer Pests and Diseases

Pests and diseases tend to be less of a problem in the fall. With cooler temperatures and shorter days, many bugs go dormant, and some plant diseases also slow down. This means less need for pest control, giving your new plants a healthier start. 


  1. Better Selection of Trees and Shrubs

Many garden centers, including ours, offer a fantastic selection of trees and shrubs in the fall. The cooler weather also means less transplant shock when planting larger specimens. Plus, fall-planted trees and shrubs will have a head start over those planted in the spring, giving them extra time to settle in.   

Take a look at our video on how to plant trees and shrubs to make sure it starts off the season on the right foot!  Or download our planting guide here. 


large selection of trees and shrubs in New England garden center


  1. Plant Perennials for Year-Round Enjoyment

Fall is a great time to plant perennials, those hard-working plants that come back year after year. By planting in autumn, perennials like hostas, daylilies, and sedum can focus on establishing their roots. They’ll be stronger and more vigorous by spring, ready to deliver beautiful blooms and lush foliage.  First time planting perennials and want a few tips?  Check out our handy guide here. 


  1. Extend Your Harvest with Fall Veggies and Herbs

Don’t forget about fall veggies! Cool-weather crops like lettuce, kale, spinach, and broccoli thrive in the crisp fall air. You can also plant herbs like parsley and cilantro, which often struggle with summer’s heat but do great in the cooler months. With the right planning, you could be harvesting fresh greens well into autumn. 


  1. Annuals: Not Just for Summer

Yes, you can still plant annuals in the fall! Cool-season annuals like pansies, violas, celosia and ornamental kale provide color when many summer flowers have faded. They’re perfect for brightening up your fall landscape and can even tolerate light frosts. 


  1. Less Competition for Water

One of the advantages of planting in fall is the decreased demand for water. With cooler temperatures and more consistent rainfall, you’ll need to water less than in the dry, hot summer months. This helps new plants settle in more comfortably without as much effort on your part.  But if you still need some guidance, check out our blog on how to water new plants here! 


  1. More Time to Relax in Spring

By planting in the fall, you can get a head start on your spring garden. Come springtime, you’ll already have an established garden to enjoy rather than having to start everything from scratch. This gives you more time to relax and appreciate your garden when it’s at its peak. 


  1. Great Deals and Selection

As fall approaches, we start our yellow tag sale, a 33% off sale on items still available from our Spring shipments.  Please feel free to ask an employee or give us a call on specifics! This is a great opportunity to pick up high-quality trees, shrubs, and perennials at a lower cost. You’ll also find a wider selection of fall-blooming plants like mums, asters, and ornamental grasses. 



Fall planting offers so many advantages, from better root development to easier maintenance and less stress on your plants. So, whether you’re looking to add a new tree to your landscape, refresh your perennial beds, or extend your vegetable harvest, don’t wait until spring—fall is the perfect time to get planting!


Ready to dig in?  Visit us at any of our 7 locations, and let our experts help you select the best plants for your fall garden, or shop our online store.  Happy planting!