Keep the critters out of your garden!


It’s the time of year when the sight of a rabbit, deer, or chipmunk in the yard can awaken your inner Elmer Fudd. Rabbits and deer nibbling at your leafy annuals and perennials, chipmunks and squirrels munching on your tomatoes – it’s a scene all too common these days…. even in the most urban of yards! Repels All and Rabbit Scram! are our go-to solutions  for the weary gardener who feels helpless against the army of critters.



The unique blend of ingredients like putrescent egg solids, cloves, and garlic is offensive to an animals sense of smell without harm! Lasts up to 2 months. When they come in contact, it causes a natural instinct to escape and avoid the area. Available in a concentrate, granules and ready to spray.


Rabbit Scram


 is different because Rabbit Scram is more than just another offensive scent or unpleasant taste to foraging rabbits. Blended from selected organic and natural components, Rabbit Scram rabbit repellent is sniffed off the ground by foraging rabbits before they enter your gardens. Rabbit Scram is guaranteed to keep rabbits off your plantings because, through their uncanny sense of smell with their nose on the ground, it convinces rabbits that harm is nearby. As rabbits near the applied barrier of Rabbit Scram, rabbits actually alert to a sense of danger – even death! Rabbit Scram’s unique scent of death reaches the rabbit and triggers a genetic biological defense mechanism to flee from predators. Regular application of Rabbit Scram
rabbit repellent creates a barrier — 24 hours a day! – that rabbits will not cross to reach your plants. And Rabbit Scram’s granular application won’t wash off with rain as many spray repellents do.